Bakugo let go of one wrist, reaching up with his hand to wipe away the tears from her face. Miyamoto felt herself leaning against his hand, the warmth oddly reassuring as she continued to take in shaky breaths.

Bakugo stood to his feet, looking around her room before he took a blanket that was draped around her chair, and proceeded to wrap the blanket around Miyamoto. He sat back beside her, one arm going around her shoulders, gently rubbing her arm as he pulled her close to his side.

"See?" he muttered. "You're fine now."

Miyamoto relaxed against Bakugo. She felt safe with his arm around her; it was a sharp contrast to the terror she felt with Dabi's arm around her. 

"I got separated from Mina at the mall," Miyamoto whispered. Bakugo remained quiet, but felt anger already brimming inside him. "I didn't know where she went, so I started walking around to look for her."

"I ran into a villain," Bakugo had figured as much, but hearing her say it out loud made his stomach uneasy. "He made me go sit with him. It was weird. He was threatening but also not threatening. He bought me a drink and told me he just wanted to talk, but also threatened that if I ran away he'd burn everything."

Miyamoto gripped her blanket tight, focusing on the strength from Bakugo's arm around her shoulder. "He knew who I was. He said every villain did, and they were all after me now that they know where I am. The Sports Festival tipped them all off."

The uneasy feeling in Bakugo's stomach grew, as did his anger.

"He asked about why I joined with the heroes, and offered for me to join them."

"What?" Bakugo couldn't stop himself from the question. "He asked you to join them?"

Miyamoto nodded. "He said I'd be welcomed there. That...they would've never treated me the way those scientists did."

"We don't treat you like that either," Bakugo defended. "We never would."

She steadied herself with a deep breath. "He gave me a warning. He said I shouldn't walk by myself anymore. He also warned that not only could he have taken me right then, but he said the next time we meet he wouldn't be so gentle with me."

Bakugo found himself seething with rage. Not just at what the villain must've said to her; but also at the fact he was completely right. He could've taken Miyamoto before any of them had known. 

And Bakugo wasn't there with her.

"He said he'd see me soon."

Bakugo's grip on Miyamoto got tighter, and he put his other arm around her. "He won't get you. I promise he won't get you."

"Why are they coming back for me?" Miyamoto sobbed. "I thought I could escape them. I thought the nightmare was over. I can't...I can't go back. I can't do it a second time."

She turned into Bakugo's chest, and he held her tight, his teeth gnashed together at the thought of her being taken back.

"I'm so scared," Miyamoto choked out, her grip on him getting tighter. "Nothing's changed. Even though I'm out of that lab, nothing's changed. They're still trying to get me. They're going to take me again because of my stupid quirk."

"You're wrong," Bakugo glared down at the floor. "They're not going to get you. It's not the same as last time. You have people beside you who aren't going to let anything happen to you."

"If I didn't have this stupid quirk, none of this would be happening!" Miyamoto wailed. "If I was born normal, or quirkless, or if my parents hadn't had me at all, everything would be fine!"

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