Chapter 2- The Panic

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Screams everywhere. All I could hear were screams. I was pinned under a seat, and was struggling to breathe. I tried to call for help, but no words came. The darkness became overwhelming, I could see fire on the wing of the plane on the other side. I panicked. I mustered the loudest scream of help possible. There was no relief on the heavy seat starting to pierce my skin.



Jack. That was Jack's voice. I yelled louder to direct him to my position.

Suddenly, a huge pain struck my stomach. The seat was crushing me. Literally.


I could feel the blood running down my side, and the world began to spin. I went in and out of consciousness and then I was out. The last thing I remember happening before I was lost was someone's arms pulling under me.
I feel the things around me. Sand. How did I? Wait. The crash.

"She is NOT dead." someone shouted "She's just lost consciousness you idiots! Look! She is BREATHING." A brittle tone scolded the people.

"Yes, that may be true, but look at the blood. EVERYWHERE. The chances of her waking up, are slim to none, and we don't have a blood bank just hangin around! And what about the kids!? What if the KIDS see her Jack?! They can't be subject to that stuff! This is going to be hard enough!"

"We are NOT killing her, Ralph, and that is final!"

The voice. Jack. I need to sit up. No strength.

"Now boys, let's think logically about this. Jack doesn't want to kill her, Ralph doesn't want the younguns to see a POSSIBLY dead girl. Why don't we just have Jack take her back behind the creepers, where nobody but Jack will see her?" A nasally voice said.

"As long as she stays safe. I honestly could care less about the rest of you idiots." Jack said insultingly.

I heard footsteps coming towards me but still couldn't regain any strength in my muscles. Jack, well I assumed it was him due to the things I heard, pick me up.I could feel my wet blouse against my skin, I was assuming it was a mix of sand,blood, and water. My side ached.

After a few minutes of silence, I opened my eyes. Jack was there. Sitting. Waiting I guess.

"Oh my gosh. You're awake. I thought you were going to die." He said looking at me.

"They wanted to kill me. You stood up for me. Th-tha-" I coughed.

I tried to speak, but he stopped me.

"No need to thank me. Those guys are power crazed idiots. Just stick with me. I will protect you." He looked over at my wound. "Uh,how's that feelin? You got cut pretty bad. Lost a lot of blood. I took some leaves and made a bandage around it. You've been out for a few days. You have to be starving." He said

I looked down and realized just how bad this wound was, but tried not to think about it.

"Uh...yea. I am pretty hungry. But really thirsty. there any fresh water?"

"I'll be back. I can solve that."

He pulled the creepers back, revealing light. It hurt my eyes.After he closed it, I heard mumbles. Something about me being awake. Nobody rushed over to see me, so I'm assuming he said I was still asleep. A few minutes later, I heard footsteps, and the creepers opened to reveal not Jack, but a little kid. I think they called them...younguns? The little boy smiled and said,

"Hi, my name is Percival. Are you feeling better?" He said smiling

"Why, yes, I am. Much better. Thank you for asking." I managed a forced smile because I still hurt...A LOT.

Jack walked up and gave Percival a devilish look, and he went running.

"Well, now what was that for?" I said smiling. "He was sweet..."

"He may be sweet, but you need to rest. You don't need commotion. One kid knows where you are, they all come. Trust me on this." He said handing my the water and a banana."

"Um, thanks. I appreciate it."

He changed my bandages then left. I rolled over on my uncut side, and went to sleep.

Lord of the Teenage Flies(Adapted from original LOTF)Where stories live. Discover now