Love at First Sight

Start from the beginning

"That wasn't perfect yet? Wow, I'd love to learn the whole dance if you'd teach me. Maybe after coffee?" Nayeon smiles.

When Momo smiled back, Nayeon felt her heart jump out of her chest. The girl was adorable.

Momo's duality was amazing. How could someone be cute and hot at the same time? Nayeon was dumbfounded.

When she realized neither of them had said anything in a few seconds, to prevent further embarrassment, Nayeon decided to quickly remove herself from the situation.

"Uh, I have to go, Momo. I'll see you next class, okay? Okay, bye!" Nayeon quickly bots out the door. She didn't realize how far she'd gotten until she finally stopped running and found herself outside of the building.

No stamina my ass.

The next time they had class Momo walked up to Nayeon as she was doing her stretching.

"Hey um, you didn't give me your number. So I couldn't ask you when you wanted me to teach you the dance." Momo seemed fidgety and she wouldn't look Nayeon in the eye.

She was probably still scared of the older girl.

Noticing this gave Nayeon some confidence. Maybe the dancer found her attractive too. She stood up and took Momo's phone to put her number in. "How about after dinner tonight?"

"Dinner? I thought you wanted coffee?" Momo laughs nervously.

"A beautiful girl like yourself should be taken out to a lovely meal, don't you think?" Nayeon whispers.

"I don't think I pretty." Momo takes a step back.

Nayeon raised her brow. This girl was very humble. Anyone could tell that she was gorgeous. "Have you looked at a mirror?"

"Well, we are surrounded by them." The dancer glances around the room still trying to avoid eye contact with Nayeon.

"Good then you're already halfway there." Nayeon bends her head lower so that she could be eye to eye with Momo. She smiles when the girl doesn't turn away.

After class they say goodbye and part ways. Nayeon checks her phone seconds later and she receives and text saying "Im Momo." She laughs because the girl had missed the apostrophe which made it look like they shared the same last name.

She quickly replies, "I'll see you tonight at 6. Meet you at Tre Giovani?"

Momo sends her a thumps up and a smiley face.

Momo had some free time after class ended. She asked to meet her best friend, Sana, at the café where her roommate, Jeongyeon, worked. She needed advice. The people she'd interacted with back in Japan were never this forward. She'd never been asked out on a date quite so bluntly.

Wait. This was a date, right?

Nayeon had been flirting with her and she wasn't shy about calling Momo beautiful. The older girl quite literally fell because she'd been to engrossed watching her dance. Momo concluded that this must be a date.

When she walks in Third Rail Coffee, Sana was already sitting at a table near the counter talking to Jeongyeon. They wave for her to come over.

"Momo-ya! I heard you're going on a date tonight. What's the meaning of this?" Sana asked.

"I-uhh—I don't know. She asked and I didn't have any plans. She seemed really keen to learn the piece I performed." Momo answered honestly.

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