He's not my RIVAL!...

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Ash's POV

Our plane lands in Alola,I can't wait to see all my old friends.

I unclip my seatbelt, and look at Goh who has been asleep the whole trip. "Were here!" I say grabing my sleepy boyfriend's hand as he slowly stands up yawning as he throws his bag over his shoulder. "No need to rush Ashy!" He says wiping the sleep from his eye's "I'm sorry,I'm just so excited!" I said jogging on the spot. Goh gives me that goofy smile and blushes,"Of course you are... Oka! Let's get going!" I smile as we continue our way outta the plan,Still holding hands as we make it outta the departure gate.

"I'm sure our other bag's,are at 'pick up zone 151'." says Gou tapping away on his rotom-phone. I smile and nodded. And then my stomach growled "Maybe,we should get some food before,we get to the hotel" Goh giggles "typical Ash",I blush "Sounds like a plan!" Once we get our bags,and call a taxis I text Professor Oak cousin,saying we landed safely in the Alola Region.

"Listen..." Goh looks at me,waiting for me to continue,as I interlock his hand with mine. "Since they haven't met you yet,I haven't mentioned that we were dating,only that were close friends. I hope you don't mind,I just haven't mentioned I was 'Bi' and I don't wanna give them a big shock,I also don't know if they will accept... us... But,If they find out during our time here,and if anything goes bad. You can count on me to stay by your side." I wink and give Gou a soft smile.

"I'm sure, everything will be fine!" He smile's and slightly blush's as he kiss my cheek.

We made it to the hotel check in, showered,got dressed and cuddle up to sleep.

The next morning

I wake up to the most adorable person in the world in my arms,I check the clock '8Am',I don't wanna wake him. But we have to get going soon. "Goh,Wake up! We have to go soon" I say sightly shaking him. His eyes flutter open,and he smiles softly as the sun adds a gitter and shine to his already beautiful,Sky Blue eyes. "Morning Ash" he yawns and cuddles me tighter "Morningggg... We gotta go soon,Meet up is in an hour!" He snuggle's into my chest and sigh's "Five more minutes..." I giggle at my cute boyfriend. "I wish to lie here with you forever too,but we got plans today" I say,he sigh's and closes his eye's in reply. I smirk "I guess,you don't wanna catch all the Pokemon that Alola has to ofter." He looks at me with a sightly annoyed face and sigh's once again "Right..." I kiss his forehead as he continues "I'mma shower first,and check how many Pokeballs I brang" he get's up and head's to the shower.'Works every time' I giggle to myself as I grab my phone and text Prof.Oak's cousin saying that were on our way soon and not to wait up. Knowing we would probably be late.

On The Way To Pokemon School.

"Hurry,were gonna be late!" I yell out to my boyfriend who's started to lag behind cause he saw a Rockruff that he did catch successfully. "Ashy,slow down!" He Huff's as he finally catches up,once I slow down. "Sorry,you know how much I hate being late." I explain. "Hey,if anything it's my fault were late,I wanted to catch that Rockruff" he said in a sad tone with a light blush. "It's oka! I'm sure they wouldn't mind us being late,I did mention that we might be anyways." I kiss his cheek,and we interlock hands as we walk rest the way there.


Outside the Pokemon school

Goh's squeeze's my hand,meaning his neves are getting the better of him,he was never a people person.

Goh's pov

Alola Friends!🌺[First Friend Shipping - One Shot]🌺Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora