Karma and Snowball Fights- Mi'inan

Start from the beginning

   Mi'inan laughed.  "I can relate to that."  As he walked by Cole back towards the house, the afternoon sun filtered through the naked tree branches, melting the small piles of snow that balanced on top into small water drops that fell on Mi'inan's nose and slid down his hair and down the back of his neck, tracing icy fingers down his spine.

   "I grew up in a tiny village, just outside of town.  There were barely forty people living there.  Once I was old enough to leave, I just couldn't stay.  Everyone who lived there, it seemed like they were living the same day over and over again, season after season, generation after generation.  I just... couldn't.  So, I understand the feeling."

Cole sighed and nodded. "Well, at least we got out."

Mi'inan squinted into the sun peeking through the trees. "Yeah."

Just then, an unnaturally strong breeze picked up from the west, brushing over the snowy landscape and making the tree branches shiver. Cole's candy-cane striped scarf was tugged over his shoulder, and swirled away in undulating waves to drape itself over a tree branch, where it stuck, swaying in the wind.

The wind stopped just as soon and as suddenly as it started, leaving the landscape just as it was before. It was a curious situation, but one of providence.

"What on Earth was that?" Said Cole, more than mildly annoyed. He waded through the snow to the tree, and tried to reach his scarf, but his fingers didn't quite reach the tassels on the bottom, skimming the air underneath.

Mi'inan sniggered, then quickly covered his mouth, and looked down as Cole stared at him.

   Welcome to short-person world.

"You think this is funny?" Said Cole, trying to jump but with little luck as snow dragged his feet down.

"No, no, not at all-" Mi'inan's sentence was cut off by another laugh at the look on Cole's face as he hopped towards the scarf with no luck.

Mi'inan's face turned red, as Cole turned towards him.

"I can get this scarf down! Just watch."

"I'm sure you can."

Cole froze.

"Was that... sarcasm?"

Mi'inan rolled his eyes. "Just because I happen to be a little reserved doesn't mean I'm completely devoid of humor and spirit."

Cole raised his eyebrows. "Alrighty, then."

He went back to his project. He had cleared out an area of snow next to his feet, going down to about where his feet rested. He seemed to be making a pile of snow, and stamping it down with his boots. He continued this until the pile went to about mid shin length, when he stepped onto it and grabbed onto the bottom of his scarf, wobbling precariously on the mound of snow.  He tugged at the bottom of the scarf, but to no avail. It was stuck fast to the tree branch.

Cole groaned.  He looked from his feet, to the tree branch, and back again, as if judging the distance.  Then, he bent his legs and jumped, grabbing onto the tree with gloved hands.  The branch bent with him, leaning down towards the ground in a taught curve.  He freed his scarf from where it had been impaled on a twig, then let go of the branch.

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