Ch. 17; Lover's Rage

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He opened his mouth as if he were to say something, but was stopped, "Don't Bertholdt, Mikasa WILL cut you into shreds", Sasha stated with a tone she's never used before, Bertholdt turned to see Sasha glaring at him with hurt and anger in her eyes. "WHY! WHY DID YOU BETRAY US?! YOU KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE WALLS!", Christa shouted with anger, her voice cracking from holding back tears, Berhtoldt clenched his teeth and handles. Jean opened his mouth, "Yeah! You... you sons of bitches! We all slept under the same roof! Shared meals! Shared stories and laughs! Was that.. was it all a lie?", Bertholdt still stood silent, staring at the tree branch he stood upon. "W-Why'd you do it? What about all the talk about sharing old war stories over a drink together some day?", Bertholdt snapped, "YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THIS?! WHO WANTS TO DO THIS?! Yes we deceived you.. yes we were pretending but...", he stopped and began to shake. He looked up at his former comrades, "Please... save me from this guilt!", he cried out. Everyone but the titans fighting had stood still, taking in his plea for salvation. Mikasa swallowed her remorse, "Bertholdt... give Eren back..", despite knowing the consequences of hurting or attempting to hurt Mikasa's loved ones, he denied. Mikasa growled, just as she was about to cut Bertholdt down, BOOM! Everyone stopped and looked back towards the rest of the scouts that were on their way to see a flash of the all too familiar lightning striking the ground, and an all too familiar roar rung about their ears, Ymir had transformed. CRCK! CRCK! BOOM! The sounds of Ymir's titan jumping off of trees got closer and closer, Christa smiled knowing her love was on her way to help. "BERT-HOLDT!!", Ymir shouted through her titan, startling the others as they didn't know it was possible for a shifter to speak through their titan. RAAAAAAGH! Ymir jumped off a nearby tree and slashed Bertholdt with her claws, barely missing Eren but freeing him none the less. Mikasa caught him and untied him, he was still unconscious but alive and breathing. Ymir laid by him, "P-UT HIM I-N MOUTH", she muttered out, opening her jaws wide, Mikasa was hesitant at first, but realized that Ymir risked her capture to save Eren, so she did as was told. Armin, Connie, Jean, Marco, and Christa all climbed onto Ymir, but just as she was about to hop away, she realized, Mikasa and Sasha were staying behind. Christa noticed this as well, "Mikasa! Sasha! C'mon we have to get Eren and Ymir to safety!" "And just leave Aila and Annie behind to fight Reiner and Bertholdt alone?", Mikasa stated ever so coldly, "You go on ahead, we're staying to make sure they make it back too", Sasha sided with Mikasa. Ymir, although cold at first, cared for all of them, but knew that it was best to get everyone to safety first. So she nodded and took off towards the rest of the scouts.

RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Reiner roared fiercely, he regenerated his arms and swung at Annie who was caught off guard, knocking her into a tree. Aila stopped for a second, "Annie.. HOW DARE YOU! I'LL KILL YOU!", Aila shouted inside of her titan, RAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! UGGGGHHHHHRAAAAAAAAAAH! Aila flew into a rage, she charged Reiner, hardening her body once more. She elbowed Reiner's face, crushing his armor and piercing his skin a bit, she gave him no time to recover. She kicked his arms, using her hardening and feet to crush them, he stumbled at each hit, not being given the chance to land anything on her. Mikasa and Sasha stood on a branch, their mouths agape from shock as they watched Aila beat Reiner to a pulp. His arms were twisted and broken, his legs were nubs from being kicked and sliced off. Annie fluttered her eyes open, she looked forwards to see Aila practically killing Reiner, "AILA NO!", she jumped up and pulled her off of him. Aila growled, still staring at the titan she had torn to pieces, she turned her head to see her lover holding her form behind, comforting her. Aila relaxed, she snapped out of the blind rage she had been in, her hands shaking from the anger in her heart. Just as she backed off, PSHEW! A flash of lightning struck, they all turned to see Reiner but he was still out, then they remembered, Bertholdt. He was on the ground, slashed up from Ymir's claws. He transformed half his body like he had done of the wall, he used his open arm and swung it at Annie, Aila ran and shoved her out of the way, getting hit in the process. "AILA!", Mikasa screamed. She and Sasha flew off to where she landed, her stomach pouring blood out from the hit. Annie screamed, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT BERTHOLDT!", she charged him and hardened all of her legs, kicking him as much as she could before being burnt by the steam. But soon, ZIIIIIIIP! Levi came swinging in, and cut under Bertholdt's arms, making them useless. He landed onto Annie's shoulder, giving her his nod of approval and respect. But one thing that they had missed, was that Reiner was gone.

BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM! Reiner came charging towards Aila and the others, rammed into her, making Sasha and Mikasa go flying. He tore her arms and legs off out of spite and anger, roaring all the while, she couldn't defend herself at the moment, she was out cold and badly wounded. Mikasa and Sasha propelled off of the tree they landed on and flew back to Aila, "SHIT REINER'S GONNA KILL HER!", Sasha shouted as they flew as fast as their gear would let them. But they were too late, as they arrived, Reiner tore her nape off and ripped her out. "REINER STOP IT NOO!", he took her unconscious body and CRCK! Used his hands to rip everything below her waist off of her. Aila awoke and screamed, "AAAGHHHHHHHHHH- BLEGHCK!", blood spewed from her mouth like a waterfall, her half of her body was dripping blood everywhere, yet steam also started to emit, meaning she may heal in time. Mikasa and Sasha fueled with rage never seen before, Reiner tossed her halves of her body to the sides of him, as if she was worthless. Mikasa and Sasha immediately charged him, slicing his open areas of his body, making him limp, all but his head. Annie had just arrived with Levi on her shoulder, she stopped as soon as she saw Reiner limp and almost dead. She wondered what had caused Mikasa and even Sasha to go this far, then she turned to see Mikasa and Sasha kneeling down by something. She walked over and set Levi down, but this was not a happy reunion. Her eyes grew wide and she gasped when she saw who her two friends were kneeling by, Aila. She stood in shock, not believing what she was seeing was real, she emerged from her titan and ran to her lovers side, "A..Aila..?", she asked lowly as she pulled her into her lap. Aila's breathing was shallow, her bleeding barely stopping, her heart beat fading, Annie felt her heart drop. Sasha sobbed into Mikasa's shoulder, fearing for her friend's life, Mikasa hid her face with her hair as she held her girlfriend, clearly crying. Levi took his cloak off and used it to tie off her wound to stop the bleeding. Annie caressed her girlfriend's face, moving the strands of hair from it, tears dropped from her eyes onto Aila's face. She bent down, and kissed her forehead, she then stood up and turned towards Reiner's steaming titan. "Captain... Mikasa.. Sasha... tell me what happened", Annie asked, they explained what Reiner had done and what they had done to him. She stayed monotone, "I see.. please take Aila back to the others, I'll meet you there shortly", worried at first, Mikasa stood and opened her mouth to try and stop Annie, but knew nothing she said would. Levi picked her body up and the four left to save Aila's life.

Annie flicked her ring out, revealing the hidden shrapnel in it. She took in a deep breath, and turned to make sure the others had left. She then turned back to Reiner, "Reiner.. you will PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!", she jumped off the branch and cut her finger, transforming once more. She roared, pain and anger in it, she pulled Reiner out of his nape after crushing it with her hardened fist. Reiner was fully conscious and aware of the fear he should feel, "A-Annie, come on! You really fell in love with one of these demons from Paradis?!", Annie felt her anger rise, she growled, both in titan and human form. She squeezed his body in her hand, making him spit out blood, he squirmed and shrieked from the pain, trying to get away. Annie lifted him by his shirt, she then reached her other hand up and ripped his arms off with her fingers, leaving him scream in agony. She dropped him afterwards, next to Bertholdt who was also wounded, and turned away to return to the scouts, but before she did, she wanted to do one last thing before heading back. She opened her mouth and let out a unique scream, different from the others, Reiner and Bertholdt's eyes widened, knowing exactly what she had done. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Pure titans from every corner came running towards her, and straight to Reiner and Bertholdt. She gave them one last glance as they desperately used their ODM gear to get atop a tree branch, then ran off, leaving her former comrades to die in the forest. As she ran back to the scouts, she said this to herself, "You are the true devils". Once she arrived to the edge of the forest where the scouts and some military police were waiting for her. She collapsed and emerged from her titan, Connie and Jean helped her down and yet her first words were, "Where is she?". They knew exactly who was referring to, they led her to a wagon that was being driven by Armin, Mikasa and Sasha sat in the back with Aila, doing everything they could to keep her alive. The bleeding had finally stopped and she was breathing normally now, although her fever remained. Annie climbed into the wagon with them and grasped her lovers hand, she began to cry, and to her surprise, Mikasa pulled her into her chest and comforted her as they rode back to the walls, with zero casualties.

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