"yeah, right now."

so the two stepped out to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance.

an upbeat song was playing as the two moved perfectly together by the beat. sakusa's hands gripped atsumu's hips tightly as he pulled him closer.

they moved to the music in perfect sync pretty much forgetting about everyone else in the club.

after a while the two sat down at a table near the back. atsumu sat on the tallers lap as he kissed his neck.

"tsumu we gotta go," oikawa said after finding his friend.

"what do you mean?" atsumu asked.

"your brother just called me he said we gotta be home by one."

"but i thought he was at suna's tonight?"

"i guess not. but it's 12:45 and i really don't want your brother yelling at us for getting home too late."

"fine, omi i gotta go," atsumu said running his fingers through the raven's curls. sakusa didn't stop what he was doing though.

"can you stop devouring my friends neck we have to go," oikawa said and sakusa chuckled putting his number into atsumu's phone.

atsumu kissed his cheek and got up walking out with his brunette friend.

"OMG YOU TOTALLY JUST GOT SO MANY HICKEYS FROM THAT DUDE HAHAH," oikawa yelled as soon as they were outside and walking home.

"JSUXU SHUT UP. how'd it go with that drummer guy?" atsumu smoothly changed the subject.

"he's so hot and his arms-" oikawa swooned. "i think we're going out for drinks tomorrow."

"yesss get that head kawababesss," atsumu hyped up his friend.

"HAHAH you probably would've gotten head tonight if i didn't make you leave."


the two got to the miyas' household.

they tried to sneak in quietly but on the couch in the living room was a sleeping suna on osamu's lap.

"you guys are late."

it was 1:01am.

"shut the fuck up samu," atsumu mumbled as him and oikawa went upstairs to the blonde's room.

the next morning oikawa left after breakfast and so that left osamu suna and atsumu in the kitchen.

"who did that to your neck it looks like a dinosaur attacked you," osamu said.

(stfu samu tsukki didn't give him the hickeys 🙄🤚)

"shut the fuck up samu i've seen what you do to sunarin's neck and this isn't much different," atsumu answered defensively.

"no need to bring me into this," suna rolled his eyes.

"okay but for real who did it?" osamu asked.

sakuatsu one shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant