Pansy only rolled her eyes in response. Hermione gulped and stood up awkwardly, tripping on her dress. "Oh, um, that's very flattering, Luna. Thank you."

Luna nodded. "Ready to kiss?"

"Oh, she's very ready," Draco commented next to them before Hermione could begin to protest. Amusement was dripping in his tone. He slightly shoved Hermione's backside forward with his large hand and she stumbled forward, meeting Luna's lips awkwardly with hers.

Hermione gasped lightly when Luna wrapped one arm around Hermione's waist and brought her other hand up to caress her face. Luna slowly began to move her lips and she wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking, but Hermione began to quite enjoy it. Hermione eventually reciprocated the actions and they soon were moving their lips in synchrony.

Draco's eyes were wide and hungry, taking in the whole scene. He couldn't afford to blink and miss any of the scene before him. His current girlfriend was making out another girl; and not a random girl, either, but a girl he secretly considered an actual friend after their many deep talks during her imprisonment at Malfoy manor. He felt his lower half beginning to twitch.

Ginny whooped and cheered with a large smile on her face while Blaise and the twins whistled, pumping their fists in the air. Theo was transfixed at the sight of Luna kissing another. He would never in his wildest dreams ever imagined this, but now that he was witnessing it, he knew he would be thinking about it for years to come.

Once Luna eventually pulled away, she sweetly smiled at her bushy haired friend and pecked her on the cheek, as if it was a period after a sentence. She made her way back to Theo and sat down, boldly entwining her hand with his. The alcohol was coursing through her veins and she was on a high from that kiss.

Hermione, stunned, slowly sat back down and touched her lips. Her mind replayed that moment over and over again and she slowly smiled.

"How you feeling? That was some kiss," Draco teased next to her, lightly pinching her waist. She turned to him with a twinkle in her eyes and crashed her lips into his, knocking him slightly backwards.

"Get a room," Theo fake gagged.

Hermione slightly pulled away, licking her lips, and twisted her body from Draco towards Theo. "You weren't saying that a second ago."

Theo scoffed, unable to come up with a good enough response and knowing she was completely right. "Whatever, it was hot, okay."

She smugly grinned and sat back upright, pulling Draco up with her. He whispered into her ear, making her giggle and blush.

"Luna, your turn," Hermione said behind another fit of blushy giggles.

The game continued on until Blaise was shirtless with his tie wrapped around his head and Pansy had named the top three men she'd ever slept with (one of them being Draco, much to Hermione's dismay. None of them being Theo, much to Theo's dismay). George also was forced to color all of his hair purple for the rest of the night—all of his hair—and Hermione had to sing the Hogwarts school song in front of everyone.

"It's a good thing you're smart, because you have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever. I couldn't tell if that was you or Crookshanks," Fred laughed with a hand on his belly.

"Oh, and you think you're any better?" Hermione challenged. "Fred Weasley, I dare you to sing the Hogwarts school song. And, if the group decides it's better than me, then the dare's over and you're free. But," she raised an angry finger, "if the group decides that I sounded better, you have to keep singing it until they say you can stop."

"What?! You didn't even let me choose truth or dare!" Fred cried, shooting up out of his seat. "Malfoy! Control your girlfriend!"

Draco raised his hands in surrender. "You started this, Weasley. It's on you."

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