Ayo, I gotta tell yall some shit

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So... You read the title. I got an announcement! Now I know what your probably thinking "levi, what's this about? Are you making MORE changes to the DLMA books and the YP? book?" Well... You'd be half right if that's what your thinking... I have come to the conclusion that I am most likely going to delete or abandon this account and because I can't remember my password this will be a 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗻𝘁 change. The reason behind this is because when I made this account I was much younger than I am now, I think I was 12, 13 idk but I just don't like the stories I have but If you want any and I mean ANY of my stories (for whatever reason and I doubt anyones actually going to read this let alone want one of my stories) I will Gladly let you re-work it either as a story adoption or a re start from the group up deal and you don't have to credit me because im probably going to leave this account, now don't get me wrong I love and support each and every one of you and I know this is kind of selfish but im just going through a very tough situation right now and I just can't find any motivation for any of these stories and most of them have been abandoned... So like I said earlier if you want any of my stories (when/if I come to the conclusion that I am abandoning this account) DM me on discord or wattpad (preferably discord but I don't really mind) and we can come to a conclusion on how this is gonna go down, if I choose not to leave this account then Im most likely going to remake the stories I actually like.

Possibly for the last time...

♧︎︎︎Bye my dorks♧︎︎︎

this is levi0the0dork signing out for possibly the last time, stay dorky my guys gals and enby pals

Ayo bitch beep beep I got an ✨ a n n o u n c e m e n t ✨Where stories live. Discover now