Cheryl looked around for a bit, trying to understand where she is or where to go or what to do. Deciding to go to the nearest generator she can see to start and repair it. 

Shortly after starting on the generator, Dwight Fairfield was running toward the same generator. The two reunited. 

Dwight starting to fix the generator with Cheryl as he said to her, "Hello." And gave a smile of relief. 

Asking how he knew she was there, "How did you know I was here?" Because it seemed like everyone got separated and no one knows where the other is.

Answering her question, "I used my perk "Bond" to find you. I can see where my friends are in certain meters with it." Said Dwight, before asking, "Do you know who the killer is?"

Shaking her head, "No. The only one I saw, is you Dwight." Cheryl said before the generator made a clicking sound, signaling it's full repair. 

But things didn't go as well for the others. Suddenly, a loud girl's scream can be heard throughout the forest. 

"Was that... Schwi?" Asked Cheryl with worried voice.

Dwight started to get nervous as he said, "Oh no, the killer got Schwi!" Then started to think of what to do next.

Cheryl was about to head toward the source of the scream, "I'm going to help her." but she was stopped by Dwight who grabbed her arm.

"W-Wait... Leave Schwi to Bill. We have to fix the generator while they buy us time." As cowardly as it sounds, Dwight decided to leave Schwi and focus on fixing the generator with Cheryl since it's safer.

Cheryl turned around, looking upset at Dwight for saying that, "Leave her?! Are you serious? And what if Bill got caught? Do we leave him too?! Is this how you survived? By abandoning your friends to save yourself?" Clearly not experienced enough with this world, or else she would've understood Dwight's true intentions.

Looking scared as he replied, "N-No, I... didn't mean it like that... I just wanted to..." But he got interrupted by an unnatural wind sound. Dwight started running away as he yelled, "IT'S THE SPIRIT! RUN CHERYL!" He realized the meaning of the sound right away.

Not understanding what he means but deciding to split up, Cheryl started running on the opposite direction of Dwight. Shortly she could hear an ominous voice, like that of an angry spirit. Cheryl looked back while still running to see a blue woman-like corpse with white eyes and black flowy hair. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" She shouted. 

Real name: Rin Yamaoka

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Real name: Rin Yamaoka

Alias: The Spirit

Gender: Female

Nationality: Japanese

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