"Let's go to class together Y/N!" Mingrui said, Oh god i can't believe this is happening..

"A-ah uhh...yeah s-sure" i said and i blushed,

"Le pRincEu cHarmInG wiTh hIs tOmAtOe" Zihao said in a mocking french accent, and Xinlong laughed his ass off.

i glared at them, as Mingrui chuckled.

"YAH! STOP THAT ZIHAO, I WILL KILL YOU AT LUNCH TIME I SWEAR" I said and Zihao laughed loudly.


"I'M GOING" i said and i ran off,

"Hey Y/N! wait for me!" Mingrui half shouted and ran after me,

"YEAH Y/N DON'T LEAVE YOUR PRINCE CHARMING" i heard Xinlong said in a teasing tone, tsk DORKS.


Author's PoV✩

The bell rang, meaning it was lunch time.

"Class dismissed, enjoy your lunch kids!" Mrs. Ran said and left the classroom.

Y/N picked up her books and leave her classroom.


❤︎︎Y/N's PoV❤︎

"Hey Y/N, wheres your pRinCeU cHarmInG?" Zihao asked me teasingly,

"Can you please shut up, i don't have a prince charming" I said while i eat my lunch

"Yes you do, Mingrui is your prince charming~" Xinlong said, i glared at him but blushed.

"No he's not!" I said

"Yes he is~" Zihao said

"Cmon Y/N, we know you like him" Xinlong said and he grinned

"Okay fine! Yes i do like him, now eat your guys' lunch before i beat the heck out all of you" i said

"Okay okay geez" Zihao said and they ate their lunch, damn they're so annoying sometimes.


❤︎Author's PoV❤︎

It was the last class, P.E, Y/N's favorite class, she may use glasses, but she's not nerdy, she's actually sporty, she loves sports and she have lots of sports she's good at.

"Alright, today we will be playing dodgeball, the older grades will join us too" The P.E teacher, Mr Hu said.

The game of dodgeball begins, Y/N managed to win lots of times, she was great at dodgeball.

Suddenly, Xinlong strikes the ball right at   Y/N's face, she fell and her glasses flew away, meaning she can't see anything at all, it was all blurry, she can hear Zihao's and Xinlong's laughter, they were laughing at her angry expression.

She started to search for her glasses with her hands, but she found nothing.

Meanwhile, Mingrui was watching the whoke time, then he saw her glasses on the field, he takes it and walks to her.

Mingrui puts on the glasses on her face and helps her stand up.

❤︎Y/N's PoV︎❤︎

Someone helped me and i looked up and saw Mingrui,

so the one who helped me was Mingrui? Gou fricking Mingrui? My huge crush? Oh goodness-

"M-mingrui?" i said in a surprised shy tone.

"Are you okay Y/N?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Y-yeah i'm okay now..it still hurts but overall i'm okay.." i replied, he smiled

"Good, the pain will be gone soon, don't worry." Mingrui said,

"T-thank you for helping me, R-rui" I thanked him

"No problem! Happy to help" He said.

"Hey Y/N? Can i ask you something?" He asked

"S-sure" i said while blushing.

"I like you, would you like to go out on a date with me?" He asked, i widened my eyes and blushed more.

Gou Mingrui, my huge crush, just asked me out? Is this a dream?

"W-what? Am i dreaming right now?" I asked and i slapped my cheeck and it hurts, ITS NOT A DREAM-

"Nope! I'm really asking you out, so whats your answer?" He asked

"oh my god- YES!" i said in full happiness


"WOOHOOO" Xinlong cheered and they do weird happy dances

"Yah quit it you two weirdos" I said and laughed

"WOOHOOO Y/N X MINGRUI IS REALL WOOHOOOO" Zihao and Xinlong cheered.

"Dorks" i said and laughed.


-The End-


(i'm not good at making funny cute stories-

sorry if its bad and once again sorry for being so so late, byee!)

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