School is back

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A student walks in

You: I gotta go, I class

Sage: we are not done here.

You put your phone down with a smile. The student grabs a seat towards the back, which is fine by you. You walk up to him and say hello and hand him a piece of paper. 

"I am professor Y/L/N, but you can call me Y/N." you say with a smile. 

"I'm Max," he says and he grabs the paper. He has headphones on, which is not surprising because you were the same way. 

"Nice to met you, I will be at desk if you have any quesitons about anything."

"Thank you." He said, and you head back to your desk, there is still 20 minutes before class begins. You go onto your lap to do more digging about that picture. You see a headline. 


You eyes shot open. You grab your coffee and sip on it to calm yourself down. You read the article and it is 100% bogus. A quote from it reads:

"Pedro Pascal and this myster girl go on a date at Disney Land"

Like where did they get that from, you just happened to be there when he was, I mean you only know him from Narcos for god sakes. You decide this is a good time then ever to text them. 

You: Hi, umm I am not sure if you remember me, but I was that girl that flew the falcon with you at Disney. But um, there are these rumors and pictures saying that it was a date and whatever. I just started a new job and do not want get fired because I am creating scandles. 

You send the text and by then more students arrive and there is only a couple more minutes before class start. 

Class went well, it was just the first day, so there was not much to teach them, it was just the overview of what you expect of them. Your next class is in 2 hours so you head back to your office. You gather your laptop and papers, you have not checked your phone yet. You are scared. 

You walk back to your office at a quick pace. Once you arrive you take out your laptop and sit down at your desk. You grab your phone and see that you have many messages, but most of them are from the group chat. But there is one that stands out. 

Message: Pedro Pascal

Your heart begins to beat fast. You are scared. You take a deep breath and unlock your phone and go into the messages. 

Pedro: Hey, yea I am sorry about that, they like to spread false rumurs about my dating life becuase I vertually don't have one. Don't worry about your job, my lawyers will take care of it. 

You let out a breath of air. That was not too bad. You decide to respond. 

You: I guess thats what I get when I fly the falcon with you lol. 

He responds quick.

Pedro: I am still surpised you didn't crash the ship lol.

You: woah there, I am one hell of a piolt 

Pedro: I mean I am the mandalorian

You: yea, yea whatever, I've never seen it so. But i have seen Narcos. 

Wow are you outing yourself as a fan of his. You regreat texting him that. 

Pedro: Oh have you now lol. 

Oh god. 

You: Uh yea, but ya know it was an okay show. 

Hopefully he gets your sarcasim

SongbirdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz