The glow on her face brought back memories of that one night where we had touched and loved one another. The fire in me was burning away and I was hot for her. I needed her again but I knew it wouldn't happen. I need to control myself. Why does she have to be so beautiful?! Every part of my being wanted to be hers and I was willing to give up everything for her at this moment.

 She took my hand and said "You know, I've seen stories about you and everyone around you on TV and heard about it. I never knew I would be here with you right now, married to you. Raj, I've seen all of it. Those lies, scandals, controversies, I know you can't hide it but I want you to not hide the way you feel about it. Raj, tell me about those things too. I trust you and I want you to trust me." I told her to ask me anything she wanted to because I was ready for her to take in every inch of my soul and let my thoughts be naked. She said "I want to know your truth and how you felt."  

I can remember those rumours and gossip as if it was yesterday that they had come out. It always did bother me. I told her I hate it. I hated all of it and still do. It had been the reason I left that whole industry. All those heartbreaks. I had thought I'd marry an actress or someone in the industry. I was left heartbroken every time because of some new story. I poured out my feelings to her that night. She comforted me and hugged me. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, smelling her hair, her hands patting my back gently before I felt the gentle pull back. It was a nice feeling to have a hug returned but I wanted to hold her longer and I held as long as I could before she had pulled back.

I asked her "Why the sudden hug?" and she said "Just because." "I thought you were scared to come this close." "No, I'm not! What are you talking about?" I moved a bit closer, "How about now?" She shakes her head no and smiles at me playfully. I move forward another few inches and only a few inches were left between us, "How about now?" "No" she had a nervous smile on her face. I moved in until there's only enough space to breathe in, "How about now?" I whispered.  Her eyes were really big and it was as if she couldn't move. She bit her lips blinking a few times. Then, she got jumpy and shifted over to lay her head on the pillow. "Good night Raj!" I reached out behind her giving her one final hug before laying my own head down and listening to her gentle breathing.

Two weeks later came around quickly. The whole crew is going to the area where we'll be shooting a few more episodes for another two weeks. Meera loves it out there. She gets along so well with the crew and it's as if she belongs with us. She says she needs the sea air anyways. The first day we arrived was a sleep and enjoy day. Work was to start the next day. As soon as we got to the hotel, I made sure everyone was settled into their rooms and Meera was with me the whole time. We got to our room and its setup was nice and cozy, not huge.

 I ordered some lunch to be brought to our room and watched some TV as she used the shower. I heard her call me and she said that she had left her clothing on the dresser but forgot to bring it with her. "Can you leave it beside the sink?" I saw the bundle sitting there and got up to put it where she wanted it. There was a skirt and a nice blouse, and in the folds of it, some sexy red hot lingerie. I couldn't help imagining her in it. Nowadays, she wears jeans and t-shirts around and not sarees so much. I like it. I like her in anything she wears. And I would definitely like her in that hot red underwear.

 I shook my head before going into the bathroom so that I'd stop getting those overwhelming feelings. I was about to step back out after leaving the stuff next to the sink but I saw her in the shower, putting something in her hair. Don't get me wrong. She wasn't naked because if she would have freaked out. She wore her towel wrap upto her chest and it went down to right above her knees. I decided to play a little prank on her. 

I was dirty enough for my own clothes to be washed so I step into the shower without a sound. She turns around the water hitting her back and she has no idea that I'm in front of her. Her arms are raised and she's scrubbing soap away from her eyes.  She turns back around to wash her face and I saw the skirt slide down slightly as the tie had become undone. I reach out tying it loosely and she whips around with a scream, her arms coming up around the top of the skirt covering her chest. 

A Love called Myra: Raj and MeeraWhere stories live. Discover now