An Icy Return

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Story created: 12/27/20

1:38 P.M. – Malibu University - Student Lounge

On another regular day at the campus of Malibu University, Sam, Clover, Alex, and Britney were all relaxing in the student lounge having just finished their own class. Nick and Mat weren't anywhere because they were in class themselves; Blaine was at volleyball practice himself, too. Alex was enjoying a smoothie and Sam was reading another of her books. Clover and Britney were checking out their phones. Sam wore her green blouse and blue jeans; Alex had on her yellow shirt and light blue overalls; Clover had on her blue crop top and jeans herself; Britney had on a blue tee and jeans herself.

"Find something good, Clover?" Alex wondered as she enjoyed her smoothie.

"Uh-huh," Clover answered. "I uploaded my Ice Bucket Challenge video to YouTube and I've gotten a LOT of hits!"

That got Sam's attention; Britney looked up from her phone, too.

"Let's see that," Sam remarked.

Clover handed her phone to Sam for her to check out.

"Holy smokes!" Sam exclaimed. "You're not far away from 10,000 views!"

Clover's view count was at 9,982; Sam then returned Clover's phone.

"I don't know about you guys, but I wanna do that challenge again," Clover laughed.

"Hey, once is enough sometimes," Alex nervously chuckled.

"True," Sam stated.

"I admit that challenge was fun," Britney added in.

"Did either of you girls upload your videos to YouTube?" Clover asked.

"Not me," Sam immediately answered.

"I thought about it," Britney told Clover. "And I did."

"I decided not to either," Alex remarked. "Just like Sammy."

"Decided not to do what?" asked another voice.

The girls looked to see Nick and Mat returning from their classes.

"Clover uploaded her Ice Bucket Challenge video to YouTube," Britney answered. "I did, too."

Sam and Alex went up to their boyfriends for kisses.

"Clover's view count is near 10,000," Sam told Mat.

"And mine is over 10,000," Britney told the boys.

"Right on!" Mat commended.

"You took the challenge, eh, Nick?" Clover asked.

Nick pointed towards one of the related videos and sure enough, there he was, with a view count of close to 10,000.

"Clover wants to take the challenge again, too," Alex added to Nick and Mat.

"She does?" Mat wondered.

"I got no problem doing that Ice Bucket Challenge again," Britney chuckled. "How about the rest of you?" she asked and turned to Sam, Alex, Nick, and Mat.

"Sounds like fun," Mat replied.

"If it's for a good cause, why the heck not?" Nick quipped.

"Same here," Alex giggled.

"Hey, does anyone think we should go get Blaine?" Clover asked. "I'm pretty sure his volleyball practice is just about wrapped up."

"You just wanna see your beau," Nick teased.

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