"ok so its an even amount well almost since kelly is the extra" mia said

"ok who is first" jirou asked

"i'll go" mina said

"ok i dare you to flash kirishima" jiru said

mina turned infront of him and all the boys covered their eyes and she did it and kiri face went red

"next, sero truth or dare" mina said

"dare" he said smirking

"i dare you to give a wet kiss" mina said

"ok" sero grabbed mia by the neck and gave her real wet kiss i closed y eyes because thats nasty

"ok momo truth or dare" sero said

"dare" she said feeling brave

"mhm i dare you to give todorki a hickey" sero said

"on his stomach" mia added

momo and todoroki face went beat red but she lifted his shirt and have him a purple hickey oohhh

"next asia, truth or dare" momo said


(its finna get spicy 🥵 🌶)

"ok i dare you to mhmm oh i dare you to make out with ...... jirou" momo said smirking

"what" jirou said

"ok" you said as you got on all fours crawled to jirou and made out with her, kamanari looked like he wanted to pass out, he was drooling, 🤤bakugo was shocked *damn that's hot, and why does her butt have to be right in front of me* bakugo thought, you finished the kiss and went back to your seat

" ok kamanari truth or dare" i asked

" uh uh uh, dare" he said still stunned from the kiss 🥴

"i dare you to spank jirou" i said smirking and his face lit up

"i gotcu" he said he bent jirou over his lap and spanked her 3 time the last time he used his quirk

"ok uh bakugo, truth or dare"

"tch dare" he replied

"ok i dare you to feel the person to your left body with a blindfold on" denki said

his face was stuck while mia used her quirk and flotated he a blind for over to him, the to his left was ... wait no it was me , ugh mia tied the blindfold and lifted me up and made me sit on my knees in front of him, while he was sitting criss- cross

"ok go" mia said

he then started at my thighs, thank goodness you can't tell if i'm blushing, his hands then moved up to my chest and he gripped them and his face turned red, he quickly moved his hands down again to my ass and started to smirk, he then  slapped my ass and took his blindfold off still smirking , he looked up and saw you giving him a death stare

"tch whatever shitty hair truth or dare"

...................... ima just skip to the last round

"ok im going to be nice, kelly truth or dare" todoroki asked

"dare" she said cheesing

"ok pick any boy you would kiss" he said with a mono tone

"ok" she then got up and we was all confused and she sat in front of hitoshi "i chose you" said then gave him a kiss and he pushed her off

"i never said to kiss them, i just said to pick" todoroki said shocked

"oops" kelly said looking at jazmine

"jaz baby i didn't know - calm down" hito said

"oh hell nah" me and mia said

"its fine i got this" she then made a white ball and threw it at kelly, but she dodged it

"you missed" kelly mocked her

"i never miss" jazmine said an the ball turned invisible and next thing we knew kelly fell to the floor and couldn't move

"welp looks like your out for the night and i can only use my healing quirk to help you" jaz said with a smirk

"andways bakugo truth or dare" jazmine said

"dare shitty girl" he replied

"rude, anyways i dare you to make out with asia" she said looking at me

"tch" he said and grabbed me by my waist and made me straddle his lap and kissed me, i felt like i was on cloud 9, his hands then gripped my ass and was squeezing it

"uh i'll be right back" i said as i broke the kiss and ran to the bathroom

*mia bring all the girls and meet me in my room bathroom* you said in your head *ok* she said

then they came your room and locked your room door then went to your bathroom

"whats the matter"momo asked

"that -- kiss - uh - i can't go back out there" i said

"i knew you had feelings for bakugo" jaz said


"dude do you like my sister" hitoshi asked

" what" bakugo said

"i mean that kiss you seemed into it" hito said

"bakubro why won't you admit you like her" kiri said

"tch, because i don't know how

"well you better hurry up, before someone else takes her" sero said

~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip

yall all cuddled up on the couch and beanbags and ate some mac and cheese your mom made and chicken she left in the oven to keep warm, bakugo was resting on your thighs everyone then fell asleep and you fell asleep on bakugo with his hand on your ass

THE END (oh kelly was still on the floor parilized)

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