Chapter 1: The Game

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The halls of Hogwarts in 1976 were always filled with footsteps, but this very day, y/n felt as if the loudness of the footsteps were doubled. Turns out it wasn't just an odd observation. In fact, it was the day of the final Quidditch match between the four houses; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. To the students of Hogwarts, it made sense that there were double the amount of people gathered as crowds in the hallways.

"Sirius, wait up!" the voice of Remus Lupin shouted from behind y/n.

"It is you who should be keeping up, Remus! We'll miss the seats with the best view!", shouted Sirius Black, who seemed to be multiple steps ahead of Remus and y/n. Sirius laughed as he continued to run past the big crowd gathered in front of the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. Remus, gradually slowing down his pace, sighed as he held y/n by the arm.

"Don't worry, y/n. I'm sure he'll save our seats for us." Said Remus. y/n couldn't hide the grin on her face from watching the two boys playfully bickering each other. They did it every day. Nevertheless, to y/n, it was a joy to watch.

"I didn't." she said, as Remus looked at her curiously.

"Didn't what?" he asked.

"Didn't worry." y/n replied. "Here, hold my hand."

She reached out her right hand to Remus, only for him to stare at her in hesitation. y/n sighed, as she grabbed his hand. Before he could jerk away, in the blink of an eye, y/n and Remus were in the very front row bleachers of the Quidditch pitch.

"Apparition?" Remus asked with the tone of surprise.

y/n nodded in response. "Yep, bingo."

"But you're not 17 yet... how-"

"Self-taught, Dumbledore gave me permission." she replied, looking at Remus in the eyes.

Remus stared at her in awe, just for the tension to break as soon as the familiar voice of Sirius Black was heard from aside.

"What in the-" said Sirius, baffled to see his two best friends who were definitely dozens of steps behind him.

"It's called witchcraft, Sirius." replied y/n, mockingly.
Sirius scoffed. "Oh, yeah, y/n?" and for a split second, his eyes darted to Remus, who was still looking at y/n.

"Then is that idiot who has been staring at you for the past five minutes also the result of witchcraft?" he said. y/n quickly turned her head, as her eyes locked eyes with Remus's just for both of them to turn back in a second. Before Remus could come up with a blatant excuse or even before Sirius could add a humorous remark with a bickering attitude, the loudspeakers of the Quidditch pitch were already booming with Dumbledore's voice.

"Good morning, students, and welcome to the last round of the annual Quidditch match of the four houses!"

As soon as Dumbledore's sentence finished, the pitch was filled with Quidditch players who were excitedly flying around in their broomsticks, followed by loud cheers from the students which seemed to only be boosting the already-high egos of the jocks of Hogwarts.

As soon as Dumbledore's sentence finished, the pitch was filled with Quidditch players who were excitedly flying around in their broomsticks, followed by loud cheers from the students which seemed to only be boosting the already-high egos of the j...

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