Klaus coughs to get their attention feeling jealous and just like that the improving mood is ruined. "I see you're busy so I'll just come back later." Klaus says and gets up to go out the door.

"Or you could just not come back at all." Damon snarks. Klaus glares but leaves quietly.

Once Klaus leaves Damon turns to Olivia, "He didn't hurt you did he?" Damon questions concerned before looking her over for injuries.

"No just insulted me." Delilah reply's and rolls her eyes. Before standing up, giving Damon a quick kiss and saying, "Come on let's go get our siblings."

Delilah grabs Damon's hand and pulls him out of the office. The car ride is done in comfortable silence and the couple hold hands, both are excited, not that Damon would ever admit it, and have missed their siblings since they left for a month long cruise. Once they get to the airport Delilah and Damon pass the time leaning on the car with her back against Damon's chest and Damon resting his chin on the top of her head with his arms around her waist, enjoying each other's presence. She finally hears her name and runs out of Damon's arms to hug her twin. As the Forbes twins hug the Salvatore brothers greet each other at a slower pace. Both brothers watch their significant other and turn to each other with a fond look when Delilah and Caroline walk to the car holding hands like they did as kids, leaving the boys behind. As soon as they get into the car Caroline starts the interrogation.

"How's my babies." Caroline demands.

Delilah answers her quickly knowing how fast Caroline could go into momma bear mode, "They're fine Care. Missing you but they have been spending a lot of time with Olivia trying to take her mind off things."

"Ah yes don't think I have forgotten that Mikaelson's and the wolf skank is back." Caroline says looking cross, still upset with Hayley for not only breaking up her relationship but her baby sisters as well.

"How are you doing sweetie." Caroline asks simpathetically, honestly wanting to know.

Delilah gets an irritated look on her face. "I'm honestly frustrated because we all know he's not going to stop trying to get Olivia and I. He's more stubborn than a mule. You know what he had the nerve to say to me right before we left to come get you? He came into my office and basically asked me how long I waited to have sex with Damon after we broke up. When he cheated on me!"

Caroline is gaping at her sister stunned, even Damon and Stefan who have been listening have no words. Finally Caroline turns her glare at her husband and Stefan tries not to flinch back.

"How could you have ever been friends with that asshole." Caroline hisses glaring at Stefan for ever even being civil with Klaus.

"Well sweetheart I was high off human blood and murdering innocents every night as a ripper at that time." Stefan answers a little dryly.

"Still you should have known better." Caroline says and turns her head away from him. Stefan says nothing but sighs with exasperation.

"Someones in the dog house Stef." Damon snickers.

"Oh shut up Damon." Stefan mumbles pouting as the girls giggle. Stefan hides a smile when he hears Damon and the Forbes twins laugh, even if it's at his expense. Knowing this has to be hard on, not only his sister in law and niece but also his brother, even though his brother would never admit it there's a part of Damon that's worried Delilah will go back to Klaus and that would break him. Delilah and Olivia are Damon's whole world just like Caroline and Lizzie and Josie are his.

When they finally pull up to the school they barely have time to get out say hi to Ric before they're ambushed by three teenage girls. After Olivia greets her aunt and uncle she leaves with her parents to give the family of four time to get reacquainted.

After making sure Olivia had her homework done the family of three eat dinner and watch movies staying up late before head to bed ready to start the weekend.

(I know it's seems that they're having a lot of family time but they've always been close and it's a stressful time for our little family

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(I know it's seems that they're having a lot of family time but they've always been close and it's a stressful time for our little family.)

(Next chapter the Forbes twins have a girls day while the Salvatore brothers spend the day with the girls and there may be a confrontation at the grill between Klaus, Olivia, and Damon.)

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