Chapter 1:Suck my big fat juicy ass

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Hi my names Nagoya and this is my story on how I became a fucking jackass and this is my adventure

I was having the best day of my life watching the sunset while watching someone eat a fucking seagull and stand on top of a hippo while whistling and I was sitting on a toilet filled with my hot boiling diarrhea ❤️ what can go wrong on a lovely day like this and then a fucking crusty musty Cheeto lookin ass bitch doing the t pose in the sky while ur on the toilet still sitting there with shit in your ass and that crusty Cheeto comes up to you and says HEY DO U EAT CACA I said y-yes I d-do 😳
And he says : YEA ME T-
The crusty lookin mad got a call and it was form CHUNKY MONKEY
The crusty fuckin Cheeto man was scared for his life u can see it in the way he's clinching he's ass cheeks so hard
U say : what happend?!
He started shitting himself form how scared he is then he disappeared
And u were so fucking confused who is that and what happend then suddenly u realized ur ass has a rash cause the liquid hot fucking diarrhea wasn't wiped and u were sad that u realized now ur ass is not juicyer then bob duncan form that stupid show on Disney are Sum and u started crying while ur ass is burning form the rash u cried so hard u shitted ur self u decked ur going To the muffin man to help u so u get up form the toilet and walk to the muffin man but the problem is he is very fucking far so u have to go on a adventure

k that's chapter 1 bye lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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Nagoyas story on how he became worlds most juicy ass and defeated bob Duncan Where stories live. Discover now