"I should probably go do that too." He says with a little frown, not wanting to have to get out of bed. I sit next to him on top of the covers.

"You have time, we aren't leaving for another two and half hours. If we even leave then." I remind him, pointing out the time on my phone. He thinks for a second.

"Nah, I'll just do it now, and then maybe we can get breakfast and head there before everyone else or something?" He suggests. I nod my head.

"That sounds nice," I tell him with a smile. He sits up and untangles his legs from the sheets before starting to head back to his room, "be back in a second." he tells me. I smile as I watch him go. He was so soft for me. But I'm equally as soft for him though. I decide to make the bed and scroll through twitter while I wait.

I look through all kinds of photos from the night before, lots of people look drunk/high out of their minds and I'm kind of glad that I wasn't there to see them first hand. I scroll my way through the party tweets and get back to my normal feed, seeing fan tweets. I find one Gordon Ramsay meme comparing my relationship with Schlatt to Minx's relationship with Schlatt that Minx had liked, and it makes me laugh a little too hard. (THANK YOU TO WHOEVER COMMENTED THAT, I COULDN'T FIND YOUR COMMENT/USERNAME, BUT I LOVE YOU. Meme is the chapter image thingy)

I send it to Schlatt, hoping he'll see it. Or I could just show it to him when he comes back into the room. Either way I want him to see it because I have never seen anything so accurate. I continue to scroll through twitter to see some of the other gamers (because apparently if I say boys im a pick me girl) starting to wake up and make some tweets about being late as well. Eventually, Schlatt comes back into my room, wearing his normal yankees hat and timbs, and throws himself on the bed with me.

"Okay, so do you wanna go get breakfast somewhere?" He asks.

"Sure, where do you have in mind?" I respond, putting my phone down to face him.

"Uh well, there's that little place out by the convention center? Y'know, the one with the giant egg on the front of it?" He suggests, trying to think of the restaurant's name.

"Oooh, yeah that sounds good to me." I tell him, excited to get something to eat.

"Should I text everyone and see if they're ready to come with me? It's barely 9." He asks. Sure it was nice when we got to have some alone time, but we had literally just spent the entire night cuddling, so there was no harm in having some of our buddies come to breakfast with us if they wanted.

"Go ahead. I think Cooper is the only one still sleeping." I tell him, getting off of the bed and gathering some of my things up for the day. My phone buzzes, signaling Schlatt's texts to the group chat.

Schlatt: anyone wanna go get breakfast. Leaving the house at 9:30, so be ready by then if you do

Ted: madi and I will go

Travis: I wanna go! I'll wake up cooper

Charlie: count me and josh in too

Noah: i guess i'll go too then. .

After it had been decided that literally all of the group would be going, Schlatt and I both finished getting ready and sat downstairs on the couch to wait for everyone else. By 9:15 everyone was downstairs and ready to go, so we split up the cars again. Ted drove Madi, Noah, Charlie and Josh. Schlatt drove me, Travis, and Cooper. I got the front seat this time, so I got the aux cord too. The drive was pretty short, but Cooper complained about being awake the whole time.

Once we arrived, everyone went into the building and we were seated at the biggest table they had. I sat between Schlatt and Madi, and across from Travis. It was a slow morning, so we got our food really fast. Everyone was apparently pretty hungry, as the conversation had almost completely diminished while we were eating. Once everyone had finished we hopped back into the cars and drove the short distance to the convention center. All we had was two meet and greets today, one was at 12 and the other was at 4 right when the convention was ending. Other than that, our day was pretty empty, meaning we could take some time to wander around and do whatever we wanted.

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