25) Health:

Good physical health

26) Disabilities:



1) Words or phrases overused:

Calling her friends idiots

2) Catchphrase:


3) Optimistic or pessimistic:

She's a little more pessimistic

4) Introverted or extroverted:

She's more of an ambivert (both introverted and extroverted)

5) Putting on airs: (acting haughty, basically)

She doesn't do this

6) Bad habits:

Reacting in anger

7) LOL:

Her friends acting like idiots

8) Display of affection:

When she occasionally hugs Derek

9) Mental handicaps:

N/A (though she does struggle with fear of her mother)

10) Want to be seen by others:

Strong and capable

11) How others see her:

Strong, capable, and kind of scary

12) Sees herself:

Someone who doesn't take bs from others and fights back; mostly

13) Strongest character trait:

Her ability to defend herself

14) Weakest character trait:

Her fear around her mother

15) Competitive:


16) Snap judgments or time to consider:

She usually makes snap judgments, though is willing to take time to consider if she needs to

17) Praise react:

She's uncomfortable receiving praise

18) Criticism react:

Begrudgingly accepting it

19) Greatest fear:

Lucille, her mother, getting control of her again

20) Biggest secrets:

Her near suicide attempt before freshman year; Stiles stopped her

21) Philosophy on life:

"She didn't want love; she wanted to be loved and that was entirely different." -Atticus

22) Last time cried:

Sometime alone (undetermined date)

23) Haunting thoughts:

Her mom's abuse and her near attempt

24) Political views:

She doesn't think much about politics

25) Stand up for:

Injustice or when someone does or says something wrong

26) Who she quotes:

Not anyone really

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