Chapter 1.

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It was a quiet and calm morning. You could hear the birds in the trees singing and a few other animals in the woods. The morning sun peeks through the leaves and right into the face of a woman, laying on her small bed. The woman had beautiful brown hair which was splayed all around her like a halo right now. Beside her in the bed was a huge animal with a midnight black coat of fur. Both of them had their eyes closed but the sun wanted them to wake up.

The woman was the first to wake up. She slowly came out of her dream world and opens her eyes. She doesn't get blinded by the dazzling shine of the sun because she already can't see anything. Because she is blind for a long time ago. The only time she can see is when she is dreaming. There she can see beautiful landscapes and majestic animals. Sadly she also sees the horrendous truth of this world. She doesn't know how but she does.

After a few more minutes of just laying there, she stands up and stretches to make her bones pop. The sound wakes up the huge animal on her bed which turns out to be a large black wolf with gray eyes. It shuffles over to the woman and nudges her hand with his nose. The woman smiles and pads his head and rubs his ears.

"Good morning Hades. Did you sleep well?" The angelic voice of the woman rings in the room. The wolf licks her hand as to say ' I slept well and you? '. Her melodic laughter resonates around the room.

"I slept well. It was hot at night but after opening the window it got a bit better. The air in Hope Country gets inconceivable high in summer. Maybe we should invest in a ventilator?" The woman asks no one in particular. But the wolf makes an approving noise. She pads his head one last time and makes her way over to her small wardrobe and picks her clothes. She doesn't know what she picked but since she only has two black jeans and a few pullovers in brown, green, and red she can't go wrong much.

She goes to the bathroom to wash and brush her teeth and hair. It doesn't take her long to be ready so she exits the room a few minutes later to go and make her and Hades breakfast.

As she stands in front of the oven for her breakfast she hears shouts and gunshots in the woods. Hades who just finished his food starts to growl. The woman turns off the oven and runs to her door. There on a coat hook hangs her sniper rifle, her bow, and her black cloak. She puts on the cloak and takes her bow and a few arrows. She whistles and a second later Hades stands beside her. She presses a button on his collar and a very high pitched sound surrounds the two.

Both of them run out of the door and let it fall shut behind them. Again they hear shouting and a few gunshots in the southern direction. The two of them run in the direction with Hades slightly in front of the woman. They run up the hill behind the house and listen for any other sounds around them.

The woman can hear the high pitched sound of Hades' collar, something the both of them established as to not lose each other in the forest. Only she can clearly hear it. She can also hear the many animals surrounding them and again the gunshots. They got a move on and were only a small distance away from where she can hear the shouts of a few men and women. Just that now she can not just hear the shouts but also the wailing of people.

She notices that Hades starts to slow down and finally stops completely so the woman crouches down beside him. Putting her arm in front of her she could feel a bush since its shadow isn't high. she takes the bow in her hands and puts an arrow into it. The woman concentrates as to separate the sounds around her. She draws back her bow and gives Hades the signal to take down anyone who notices her.

She can feel how the wolf stands up so she concentrates again and lets the string go. She can hear the sickening sound of an arrow penetrating through a skull. The next sound is the thud of the now corpse landing on the ground. She took down one of the people but since no one seems to notice the corpse laying on the ground she aims for another one. Just as she was about to release the string Hades nudges her hand a bit to the right. She again let's go and hears another thud.

After the third arrow, someone must have noticed one of the corpses because she can hear someone shouting things about the hostages.

'Now things must be done quickly.' She thought and gave Hades the signal to take down any of the people she didn't yet take down. Hades jumps into action and with two more arrows and two dead men killed by Hades all the hostage-takers were down. The woman stands up from the position behind the bush and slowly makes her way over to the hostages kneeling on the ground. There are two women and three men pleading for her help.

The woman takes out one of her throwing knives and cuts through the ropes binding the people. She takes a few steps back as to not rile up the ex-hostages and can feel Hades sitting down next to her. Light footsteps make their way over to her and she can identify them as one of the two women. The footsteps stop in front of her.

"Thank the father for sending someone to save us. Those sinners held us here for nearly a week. They wanted to kill us because Riley over there wouldn't stop rileling up one of the Whitetails soldiers. I'm Maria. Thank you very much for saving us." The woman, Maria, says. Maria takes her saviors hand and spoke a quiet prayer.

" It was nothing. We heard shouting and gunshots so we came to help. I don't need any more blood in these woods. I hope you can find your way back yourselves. Just stay on that path over there and hid north. You should make it to the road in under a few hours. Farewell." The woman says and turns back to the treeline. But she gets stopped by Maria.

" What's your name, Savior?" She shouts in her direction. The woman turns her head back to Maria and smiles a tiny bit.

" Artemis. My name is Artemis."

With that the woman runs into the treeline, disappearing from view.


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