A Slender Night (part 1)

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As I started to come to, my senses started functioning again. I was cold, I could feel my body temperature rapidly dropping by the second. I finally realized that I was in the middle of nowhere. All I saw were trees and snow. Not a creature In sight. Something was fishy, but I was suffering from amnesia and was struggling with remembering what exactly had happened. It was weird and somewhat ominous, but I payed no attention. As I tried to get a sense of direction I started hearing a sound. A sound thy sounded a lot like a fuzzy television. I was scared. I frantically ran. Without any destination, I took off in a dead sprint! The sound was becoming more faint but it was still present. I thought to my self, either I was crazy, or something was up. It seemed like hours of searching for something, anything. I finally came across a abandon car. I opened the drivers side door and It was completely stripped clean of anything useful it may have once had. In disappointment I shut the door and noticed something that was not there before. It was a note. It read "beware. He is watching" and at the bottom the the note was a picture of a man. The man was wearing a black suit with a red tie. He had no face and was completely white. it was getting dark and I was becoming worried that I wasn't going to make it out of these woods. I suddenly realized that I had my flashlight and nothing else. I turned It on to test it and sure enough, it worked. As the sun set below the horizon, it became very dark very quick. And soon enough, complete darkness. I pulled the flashlight from my pocket, pointed it, and turned it one. As soon as the beam of light hit the tree I pointed at, a figure appeared. It was the same figure that I saw on the note. The same tall, no faced figure. I dropped the flashlight and frantically retrieved it but when I pointed the light at the tree, it was gone. I was starting to wonder if this was some big setup. As I continued my search, I stumbled across a tanker field. I walked row by row. Searching for anything and sure enough, another note. This one read "watch your back" with a picture of a poorly drawn man, but this man was being stalked by the same creature I had encountered earlier. As I turned to continue my

Journey once again, the figure ,once again, was in my line of vision I slowly backed up, then ran for my life. I exited the tanker field and was ready to give up when I noticed a building next to the tanker field. I knew that I would more than likely find another note and also more than likely encounter the creature once again. I knew that I was going no where if I just kept running. So I took a deep breath and entered the house..

.. To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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