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The two men walked out a cave again but fell into a cold cold spring. Wuxian beaming up to the surface, shivered as he held himself, "Lan Zhan.. It's cold, it's like your Cold Spring Pond in Cloud Recesses." He joked as he continued to shiver. Somehow Wangji didn't fall into the spring, but he had no problem helping his husband out of the spring.

As they both stood up, they looked around, amazed and confused. Big buildings, taller than anything they could've imagine, built out of glass. Packed cities as far as the eye could see. It was unlike where they were from. Very different.

Wuxian looked down at what he fell in, a pretty big spring that stretched about 2-3 miles from the mouth the cave, they looked around. The mountain was not that of Huaicang mountain that they had previously been on. Wangji sighed as he walked off, Wuxian following him as they tried to get to the foot of the mountain and get back to the people. However, when they did, they noticed that the people were not dressed the same. "Lan Zhan, did we die?" Wuxian asked, Wangji stayed silent, he was as unsure as Wuxian was.

"Zhan-ge, are they okay?" A voice called, Wangji and Wuxian both turned to the voice, there stood a nice looking gentleman, with a slightly taller guy next to him, he was leant over him, whispering into his ear. (But not quietly—)

The taller one shook his head, looking at Wangji and then looking at Wuxian. "Hello?" He said, Wuxian was about to say something before he saw a little fur-ball next to the shorter one. He immediately jumped behind Wangji, gripping onto his shoulders. "Dog! Dog!.." He stuttered out, Wangji stared at the dog for a while before he looked at the men. "Is that your dog?" He asked, the taller one answered, "It's Yibo's, I only have a cat."

Wuxian tilted his head. "Yibo?" The taller nodded slowly with a concerned look. "Yes? This one, right next to me? His name is Yibo and my name is Xiao Zhan." Wuxian kept hiding behind Wangji before he spoke. "This is Wei Ying. He's afraid of dogs."

"And my name is Lan Zhan." He said. Xiao Zhan nodded, "You two are dressed.. very differently. And your hair is long?" He said in a questioning tone. "No one has long hair here?" Wuxian asked, Yibo shook his head. "Well not guys but girls do." Wuxian blinked in slight disbelief, "Where are we?" He asked

Xiao Zhan gave that concerned look once again, "Shanghai*? China?" He said, Wangji and Wuxian both gave each other somewhat worried looks. "Where is Gusu?" Wuxian asked, Yibo responded plainly. "Gusu? There isn't a Gusu in China. Are y'all okay?"

"Oh god, Lan Zhan. What was that circle?" Wuxian asked in a whisper tone. But at the corner of his eye, he saw the taller pull out a small gourd and drink from it. "Alcohol?" He asked, Xiao Zhan looked at him and stopped his drinking. "Yup, and it's strong. Want some?" He said, holding out the gourd to Wuxian. Wuxian was tempted and took a small sip from it. "Good right?" Xiao Zhan said, Wuxian nodded as he stared at the gourd. "You can keep it, I have tons more at home either way." As soon as Wuxian heard that, he downed the entire gourd and whined silently at the emptiness of it.

"How about you come to my house, we can talk more there." Yibo said, Wangji and Wuxian nodded as they followed Yibo to a grand house. The two stared in disbelief, of course, the house was unlike where they were from, unlike Cloud Recesses. "So, where are y'all actually from." Xiao Zhan asked, Wuxian then sighed as he tried to explain what happened. Following into every detail.

*I put Shanghai as a random city, I'm not saying Yibo and Zhan live there

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