The beginning and end of a old love

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This chapter will be about you life in the past

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This chapter will be about you life in the past. This will help you understand what with happened when you read the real Zenitsu x reader. Also This chapter is about why YOU hate romantic love.

Also enjoy this cute Picture <3

"..Back..lets go back..back in time..when we were just stupid little kids......."


On a side of a mountain, with a small house on,
it lived some kids, a boys with pink hair named Sabito, a boy with beautiful black hair named Tomioka your big brother and a girl with eyes a blue as Beautiful the sky, Makomo, then their you. You looked just like your big brother hair,face,eyes hell, even your body types were the same, only thing at was different between you guys was your personality.

Tomioka was quiet and straight up and sometimes mean ,but you were the opposite you were loud, full of energy and very nice to everyone, but to say when you were mad, not even had your big brother at was the fearless one out of all of you guys didn't want to mess with you. but overall you and your big brother were best friends!

You are 2 years younger than your big brother, so you really never knew your mom or dad, so you really only had you big brother at was your blood.  You loved him every much and he did as well, you can say he didn't know anything about y'all real other family, but you guys didn't mind cuz you guys made the old man (your trainer), Sabito and makomo. And you could say without a doubt at big brother was overprotectived of you because you were the last person he knew of his family and you been with him since the moment you opened your eyes.

One night when you and Sabito where 9 and 7
you guys when out late at night and you guys didn't tell anyone because guys wanted to get wood to make a campfire as a celebration of all the hard work you guys did with in the years, but..something you and Sabito walked deeper in the Forest, and as you stopped to picks some berries for a snack out, but out of no where a fox attacks you.

The fox weight pushed you down and Sabito was able to pushed the fox away from you, but he didn't pull the fox off in time because the fox scratched your eyes making you scream in pain and as Sabito was try protect you from the fox he got a nasty scratch from his mouth to his ear. Eventually you guys made the fox runway, exhausted you guys were you guys sat down in relief at the fox was gone.

Right after you guys sat down giyu,makomo and Sakonji (your teachers) came running because they heard your scream but the took long cuz you guys were really far from the house. When giyu saw you full of blood, he started crying frantically a ran up to you and pulled you into a hug and apologizing at he wasn't there to save you from getting hurt.

He kept rambling about how he fail to protect you but you stop giyu "big brother, why are you saying sorry? I should be the one saying sorry. I ran off without tell you and i got hurt because of please stop cry i'll be fine!" You said in a cheerful voice.

Giyu became quiet at that moment you said at, you started to hug him back and he started to cry a little more.

———————back at the house————————

"Never do at again. after this you guys have to running up and down the Mountain 3x after this" the old man hissed while bandaging Sabito "ow ow OWWW" Sabito wined as the old man put on more pressure on the bandage. A giggle was heard after words "you guys are so reckless" Makomo said. "We are not!" Sabito said! Than Makomo and Sabito started arguing and you started looking at Sabito and remember how brave he was and how he try to protect you.

After at day you slow start to fall in love with Sabito as day passed by, eventually when you and Sabito start dating and of course with your big brother permission. Until the day of the test to become demon slayers.


On the day of test, you guys stayed to getter for the first few minutes of the test, but then one by one separated unit it was just you, because you were strong, even higher little strong than your big brother Tomioka, they didn't worry about you and you didn't worry either because you knew they were also every strong as well.

You just started walk round to find the other you, but than you see a kid at the test screaming out of fear from how big the Demon with hand all over it body, but then you look up and just to see you childhood friends being ripped part right in Front of you. You Stood there in disbelief of what you just saw.

But than you saw you boyfriend sabito with tears running down his cheek from his friends death run up and try to cut the hand demon head off, and with his sword broke off when he hit the neck, he was no longer able to protect heself.

In at every moment you saw with as you boyfriend head gets crushed right in
Front of you. You ran up to catch your head-less boyfriend body. After you catch his body, you hold him in your arm " cold, but yet warm.." you thought as you hold him. You fell to your knees and scream in pain from lossing your first and last boyfriend and your childhood friends. You were blinded by rage for the hand demon


With at the hands demon looked at you and just laughed at you.

which made you loss Control of you blood loss and with at the hand demon felt you blood loss.
The hand demon felt your blood loss, it felt just like the person at catcher and put him here, Sakonji Urokodaki. You black out from rage you don't remember what happened next,but you not able to kill the hand demon, but you were able to to make the hand demon regenerate slower ,but at the hand demon ended up running away.

You didn't want to chase after the hand demon in fear at the other demon would eat you friend and your lover body. You walked back to you head-less boyfriend's body and as you where walk you pick up what was lefted of makomo's body. And you laid makomo's body next sabito's body and you sat next to the body's as well.

"Why..why didn't you guys wait for me?!" You said in a shaky voice as you looked down crying "why,why,why,why,WHY?!" You yelled as you pick your boyfriend's body and hugging it tight.

From at day on you never wanted to feel romantic love again, you hated it so much you, loss your cool when you saw it. after you told Tomioka and the old man, you and Tomioka never were the same after at. After a while you noticed how the old man felt when he saw you guys were like at, so you started to pretending to  being happy because you want to put a smile on  the old man face one more time.

From at day on you always hated romantic love and hated when you saw at or even heard it.
Eventually you and your big brother became pillars. You always show to everyone one how childish you can be. And as time pass your grew more and so did your hatred for romantic love become.

At was the case until you met Zenitsu..

Thanks for reading <3

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