oh dear emotions...

9 1 0

Sadness stains the back of your head, and loneliness sticks around like a shadow.

Anger makes things bitter, sour, and remorses stab your stomack. 

Regrets are perpetual scratches  that never heal, and tears harsh flames on your cheeks. 

Fear comes in, alongside anxiety, chokes your nerves and brain. 

We simply become breathless. 



As I said, very small text. I do write way longer things but turns out I can't get my hand on my notebook. It's lost somewhere in my room. 

This is the very first "chapter" of this collection, so I hope you enjoyed it. Don't hesitate to speak you thoughts out :) It's always interesting to see how readers can relate to some things, and words can touch them - or not. 

Thank you for reading, and we'll see each other soon, 

with love,

Elanore :) 

- Gloomy words for gloomy days -Where stories live. Discover now