Thanks Truck-kun (For real)

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Like every isekai themed story about Someone-Who-Died-and-Get-Reincarnated-in-Magical-World that you had read, your story started when you got hit by Truck-kun.

You had just exited the cinema. You, along with your new comrades, A.K.A whole room you seated in, had shed a lot of manly tears and snots after watching the new Kimetsu No Yaiba movie, Mugen Train. It's not that you didn't know what would happen. You already pretty much memorized the entire manga by now. But.. but... didn't mean that you're immune to it.

The memory of THAT scene popped up in your mind and the result was obvious. More waterfall was created on your face. You tried to stay calm and put on the best poker face you could muster, yet it seemed that the only thing you could gain was more pitying stares from people around you.

'Damn you tears, please staph!!!'

Your legs led you to the crossroad you often used. This was an unconscious move on your part due to the uncountable times you had done the same thing. It's safe to say that you were a loyal visitor of the theater. That's why you could walk in the right direction even when your tears cover your sight. This was your mistake.

Everyone in this world knew that you should not cross the road, a very busy one at that, with a blurry vision. Yet you being you, remained stubborn and refused to rub your eyes. When you looked at the traffic light above you, you saw green, so you made a mad dash, itching to bury yourself in that pigpen you called 'bed'.

You knew what's coming.

Yes, THE truck.

Later, you would have a mixed feeling about this.

Apparently, that 'green' stuff you saw before was some kid's lightsaber toy. You looked up at the same time the boy raised it from his position on his brother's back. None of this really matter anymore because FUCKithurts-

The truck crashed right at you.

The world was blurry. You didn't feel anything, couldn't feel anything except cold. You could hear the screams, someone shouted about the ambulance,

'Am I dead?'

You looked to your right. You noted that the responsible object was several feet away from where you were.

'Ah... I got hit...'

Each passing second, your body was getting more numb. You're trying to fight your eyelids from closing, knew that it would be over if that happened.

You didn't know what time it was. As someone lifted your body and placed it on a stretcher, you gazed up toward the starless night sky,

'At least my final movie is a blast...'

And hiding your eyes from this world for eternity.


'Wait?! Am I dead? Did I really got hit by a truck?'

Slowly, you managed to open both of your eyelids, revealing the (e/c) gems behind, just to close them again due to the unexpected brightness.

'Hoahh... Am I in heaven?'

When you had adjusted yourself to the light, you took your time and studied the world around you. You couldn't contain your amazement.

'Oh Wow. Is my heaven Japan-themed?'

Sound kinda stupid but you couldn't help it since EVERY inch of the room you're in was literally screaming 'JAPAN'.

No kidding.

You were surrounded by Shōji. There were some tengu, cat, fox masks, and several Oriental paintings on the wall. The sunlight(?) passed through the thin paper wall and the opened window, filling the room with an ethereal glow. With your fingertips, you could feel the soft fabric of your clothes, the blanket around you, and the uneven surface of what you could assume as a tatami mat.

'But... Shouldn't I be at peace instead of confused? And where are my passing loved ones that are supposed to 'pick me up' and take me to... Anywhere the dead ones venture to?'

You propped your upper body up and used your elbows to hold your weight. Ignoring the pleading and screaming of your ached muscles. Now that you had a better view, you understood something.

"I'm not dead then, huh?" You said out loud as you glanced at your surrounding and finally stop when the thing you wore caught your eyes.

"What?!" You whisper-yelled as you realize that you didn't have your original clothes on you anymore.

Instead of a pair of striped jeans and an oversized white shirt with a chibi Rengoku printed at the front, a plain cotton yukata and a dark blue haori decorate your petite self.

On reflex, you made a move to grasp the front of the yukata only to freeze at the sight.


Because instead of adult-sized, you found yourself face to palm(?) With a chubby, baby-sized arm.

Abruptly, you jumped and crossed the room in a hurry, something in the back of your mind telling you that there was a small rectangle mirror in the second drawer from the left.

'I am dreaming I am dreaming I am dreaming I am-!'

You stared at your reflection. An unknown face stared back at you, yet somehow it still resembled you a lot. Waist long hair, black with wisps of red at the end. Pale white skin that could rival Snow White herself. The rest--the shape of the face, eyes, nose, the color of the eyes--were still the same as the old you.

You raised your hand and pinched your cheek as hard as possible. When the pain came, you came to an earth-shattering realization.

"...This.. is not a dream."



A/N: Well, what do you guys think? Any detectable grammar mistakes???

Umm, if any of you still confused,

'...' --> thought

"..." --> talk

Anywayyy, thank you for reading this!


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