Getting Adopted

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Runt stared as the human entered the room. He had long brown hair and brown eyes. Runt mewed as he neared her cage.
"Huh?" The boy murmured, looking in.
Aladdin pushed his sister out of the way, along with Genie, Rusty, Cloud, and Flame.
Genie made his green eyes wide for the human to get him.
Copper watched her kittens and walked over.
"Hmm... Sir, may I have all 6 kittens and their mother? I know it's a lot, but I can handle it," the boy decided.
The man nodded and opened the cage, taking Copper out first and putting her in a cage. Then, he put a blanket in another cage and put Runt and her brothers.
"Kid, you sure you want all 7 cats?" He asked, handing the boy both cages.
"Positive! May I rename some of the kittens?" The boy wondered.
"Yes. But not Copper, she's used to her name."
After being paid and adopted, the boy set off with his new cats.
-at the new home-
Runt let the boy pick her up and placed her on what Cooper called 'a couch.'
"Hey, I'm Ty. Hmm... Instead of Runt, how about Y/N?" The boy smiled.
The small h/c kitten blinked, turning her head.
"Y/N it is!" Ty cheered, petting her.
Y/N blinked again, looking around.
Aladdin was curled up next to Genie, their names stayed the same. Cloud and Flame were annoying Copper, their names about to change.
"Hey Cloud, wanna be known as Icicle from now on?" Ty teased.
Cloud meowed, laying on his back and moving his paws.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes," Ty laughed. "Now... Flame."
Flame was now climbing up his new owner.
"Flame! Ow! Might as well call you Butter, cause you are a-Ow!-butter color and-Oww!-so cute and-Ow! Butter! Enough!-Fierce! Even Squid would-BUTTER!-suit you better. Ow! Okay, Butter it is!" Ty yelped.
Newly named Butter stood up tall, looking at his sister.
"Rusty! You can be known as Rusty!"
Y/N looked back, her tail lashing.
Ty sat on the couch, his hand on the back of his neck.
"Butter, you are in big trouble!" He snapped.
Suddenly, his "computer" (As Copper had told them) beeped.
Ty shot up, his hand still on his wound, and pressed a button.
The beeping stopped and a curly brown haired man with puffy brown eyes appeared on screen.
"Adam, did Alesa dump you again?" Ty growled and the man nodded.
"I'll bring over Copper and give her to you! Cause, Alesa took your dogs right?" Ty murmured.
"Yeah she...... Who's Copper?" 'Adam' asked.
"My new kitty!"
Ty held up a human claw (A/N: Finger) and walked over to Copper, picking her up gently and bringing her back.
"Aww! What are those 6 bundles in the back?" Adam questioned.
"Her kittens!" Ty told his friend.
"..........You have seven cats?" Adam sighed.
"Dude.... You're a loner."
Y/N perked her ears, didn't "loner" mean "a wild cat with no clan"?
"In a week, I'm coming over." Adam ended the called.
"Genie, come here!" Ty groaned, sitting down next to Y/N.
Genie, who was on the other couch with Aladdin, lifted his head.
Ty patted the seat next to him.
Y/N quickly sat in his lap, her ears flicking.
Ty laughed and put her.
"My little chestnut!" He laughed. "You made me forget my other cat. It died last month." ((PRETENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD))
Y/N saw Copper look at Ty with a sad expression.
She let Ty pet her beautiful h/c fur, and even let him pet her ears and tail!
Aladdin and Genie were on either side of him, Icicle and Butter at his feet. Rusty was on his shoulders and Copper on his lap, Y/N clinging to his chest softly.
"Nonono Y/N-kit!" Ty joked, hearing the word "kit" for kittens by a few people.
Y/N mewed as Copper lifted her up by her scruff and placed her on Ty's lap.
((When I do the name of a cat then : that means they're speaking to each other. Ex; Copper: All humans hear are meows though. When they stop talking, I'll put another :. Ex: Copper: Hush now Genie! Adam is calm and kind!: Ok? Mmk!))
Copper: This goes out to all six of you. You are all 14 days old, and have already started hurting our owner? No! Don't hurt him. His cat, Chestnut, was your father.: (That's not his cats name but PRETENDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD))
Genie: Our father's dead?:
Y/N: So, he's hunting with StarClan now, mother?:
Copper: Hush now, Y/N. StarClan can't watch over us as kittypets.:
Aladdin: Ty called Y/N 'his little chestnut', could that mean something?:
Rusty: Probably!:
Icicle: ..... This got deep fast.:
Butter: Yeah.:
Copper: Boys!

Meow!- Deadlox x Cat!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now