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The moon shines out of the everlasting darkness, accompanied by its children and fallen warriors, the bright, kind stars. The breeze whistles through the small wizarding town, Chawalk, carrying the whispers of the forgotten and broken. Most of the town was asleep, lost in the Dream World. You wouldn't think that anything could disturb this peaceful night, but you are wrong.

Inside one of the houses was a man who has midnight black hair, golden eyes and sharp, pointed ears. He wore a white shirt, black pants, and winter blue shoes. Over his clothes, he wore a light blue robe with designs and runes of the Winter Count. At his waist, a silver sword designed with Winter Count runes surrounded by a light blue and white aura hung from his belt, shines brightly in the room. He was humming a lullaby to a 1 year old sitting on his lap, cuddling against him. A moment later, a woman with light brown hair and emerald eyes, enter the room. She wore a black shirt, blue pants, fingerless, black gloves, and white shoes. She across the room and sat on the couch next to the man with the 1 year old. The man put his arm around her, pulling her close. Tonight is just a peaceful night. At least they thought.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The man narrowed his eyes at the sound of the knock. He gave the child to his wife, and with his hand on the hilt of his sword, he open the door. Standing on the doorstep was a tall, lanky man. His black, long hair shadowed his face. His eyes glow milky white with a smudge of blood red through the night. From head to toe, he was dress in black. Over his shoulders, a parchment black cloak covered him. At his waist were a sword and a few daggers hang from his belt. He started to stride into the room, but the golden-eyed man drew his sword, stopping him.

"What do you want, Chaos?" asked the golden-eyed man.

Chaos smiled a malice smile," Your children, Gabriel."

Chaos drew a dagger while he was talking; striking at Gabriel's right side of his ribcage, but Gabriel stepped out of the way, knocking the knife out of his hand, putting his foot down the fallen knife and kicked it out of the room. Chaos drew his black-red aura sword with the Kingdoms of Evil runes on it, the tip stained in crimson red blood. Gabriel and Chaos started sword fighting, their swords clashing against each other with auras glowing black, red, light blue, and white.

When the swordfight entered the living room, Emma clutched the little boy closer to her chest as she exited the room and into the hallways. She rushed into a peaceful room where the moon's light entered the window, shining on a little baby sleeping in a white, wooden cradle. Emma gently put the little boy next to the baby. She then pulled out her wand, and hurry through the doorway and the hallway, into the living room.

Chaos was spitting out blood as he swung his sword at Gabriel's ribcage, but Gabriel counter the attacked with his sword, nearly slicing Chaos's face in the process. Chaos gritted his teeth as he swung his sword at Gabriel's head, but Gabriel ducked at the last second and striked Chaos's right leg as he passed by, watching Chaos glance at the huge, deep gash in his leg pouring out crimson blood and smirked at it. Mad psycho, Gabriel thought as he charged toward Chaos, aiming at his chest with ice spears that appeared in the air along with his sword. Chaos's body lit on fire while he countered the attack, pushing Gabriel away from him with his sword. He melted the ice spears as Gabriel produced an ice wall between Chaos and himself. In a millisecond, Chaos melted a hole through the ice wall and caught Gabriel in a chokehold, his body still on fire expect for his hands, which are now little, sharp spikes, perishing Gabriel's neck. He whispered so softly in his ear, his breath stank of something that was sickly sweet. Gabriel could not make heads or tails of the words. Suddenly he could not move, his sword falling from his hands. He felt as if he was made of jelly, like under his skin and hair was nothing; a helpless creature waiting for death. Chaos chuckled in Gabriel's ear as he stabbed him in the chest, stopping Gabriel's heart from beating again, golden blood bloomed from his chest, staining Chaos's hands and in the process of stabbing Gabriel, Chaos made an X on his chest.

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