The arrivals

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Hermione's Pov:
The faint memories of my dream start to fade, I start to awaken to the noise of Molly screaming the words breakfast. I finally let my eyes flutter open and turn around to see his side empty again.I run my hands over where his body would normally lie, a heavy sigh leaves me whilst I get up to get dressed and ready for breakfast.

When I finally finish I walk downstairs to be met by everyone in their seats at the table. I take my seat in between Ginny and Fred.

"Morning"I say to everyone.I hear a a mummer of good mornings back whilst everyone shoves food into their mouths and argue over who gets the last slice of food.

"How did you sleep?"ginny whispers to me

"I slept better than yesterday, what about you?"since the war we all have had nightmares and it gets worse and worse for some of us. Harry and I have the worst case of it, sometimes we stay up together talking instead of going back to sleep because we know that it will only get worse once we close our eyes again.

"I've been taking sleeping draught for the past week and I think it's really helping, I haven't had any bad dreams for a long time maybe you should take some?" She offers me a small bottle full of purple liquid that shifts to blue every few seconds.

"It's fine, I tried it too but it doesn't work for me. Thanks either way."I decline and turn over to Fred.

"Fred, have you seen Ron this morning?"I try to not sound disappointed or annoyed at his disappearance.

" sorry mione, I heard him leave this morning at around three or four but when I went downstairs he was gone already. George and I tried to go after him and find him but we couldn't find him anywhere." Fred gave me one of those goofy smiles that can lift your entire mood up and that's exactly what it did.

"It's ok Fred, I don't blame you. I'm sure he is busy doing something important"I laugh it off but I can tell that he sees through my fake laugh.

"I'm sorry mione I really am, I don't know what has gotten into him. If you want George and I will give him a load for you?"he jokes around

"It's alright, I can do that myself but hey if I need back up I'll call you straight away" I start laughing with him at our joke.

During the war, when Ron left Harry and I in the woods I learnt quite a lot of spells and the added anger may have possibly given Ronald a concussion when he returned. Every since then Fred and George come to me for help with their pranks and I help out most of the time when I'm not busy. It's our little joke, no one has caught onto our little scheme yet and we don't think they will for a long time.

Lately Ron has been coming home late and leaving early and by lately I mean for the past six months, it's taken quite a tall on all of us. We don't even get to see him anymore and we don't even know where he goes, we tried to follow him many times but he always disappears before we can get any further.

"Oh come on Earl, you just had to fly into the only closed window"George mutters at the owl whilst stroking him and taking the letters from him

"Guys, there's a letter for all of you and it's from Hogwarts" George's announcement caused all of us to freeze and look at him instantly.

He passes each of us our letters and everyone stares anxiously at the piece of paper that was bringing back good and bad memories. Finally, after a while we all decide to open the letters and see what it says.

"Well what does it say?" Molly questions us

"Professor Mcgnagall says that Hogwarts is fully rebuilt and is going to be opening this September" Harry announces first

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