Taking it as a lucky break, Miyamoto rushed by Midoriya to her seat. She saw Bakugo give her a quick glance before he turned away. Her gaze casted downwards.

Was he angry at her for lying?

Miyamoto sat down as they all waited for a substitute homeroom teacher to come in, but to everyone's surprise, Aizawa-sensei walked in, still completely bandaged. Miyamoto stared at him in shock, not thinking he would have showed up to class so soon. Even so, she couldn't even deny the joy it brought her to see him standing there.

Aizawa dismissed any concern for his well-being, proceeding as he normally would. As soon as he mentioned that they still had work to do, Miyamoto felt her stomach tighten.

"The Sports Festival is drawing near."

Everyone in the class cheered, or at least seemed excited, besides Miyamoto. She wasn't completely sure what the Sports Festival was, but she assumed it would be filled with fighting using quirks. With a quirk she hadn't fully accepted.

The whole first half of the day, Miyamoto was able to keep herself awake by dreading the upcoming festival. She couldn't possibly express how deeply she wanted to opt out of participating, despite it being only one of three chances she would get to prove herself worthy for an internship. 

By the time Cementoss was done with his lecture and it was time for lunch, Miyamoto was nearly falling over in her chair. She repeatedly blinked her eyes, her blurry vision clearing every now and again enough for her to be able to leave.

As others talked about the festival, Miyamoto forced herself out of her seat to get to the lunchroom early. If she could get her food, she could come back to the classroom to enjoy her food alone like she usually does.

Her footsteps felt heavy against the ground as she walked, and an angry voice intruded her dizzying solitude. "Oi! Runt!"

Miyamoto's feet stopped immediately, and she turned around to see Bakugo stomping towards her, his eyes narrowed. Miyamoto's stomach sunk at the thought of him being angry at her. She'd had plenty of people in her life get angry at her, but never a friend. 

Miyamoto didn't know what to expect. Would that short-lived friendship come to an end because of her lie? What was she supposed to say? 

She found herself trying to speed walk away from him in order to avoid a conversation. Bakugo, however, was displeased to see her try to avoid him.


He took off in a run after her; Miyamoto saw him coming and gasped, picking up her pace to a run and turned a corner in hopes to throw him off. But Bakugo had great reflexes, and he easily cut the corner and caught her, nearly tackling her to the ground when he grabbed her shoulders.


Tears came to Miyamoto's eyes as she pulled away from him, getting on her knees and bowing her head in a panic. "I'm sorry!"


Miyamoto looked up at him. He was seething, taking deep breaths as he glared down at her. "You're mad at me."


Miyamoto flinched back before she looked down at the ground, the next words fumbling out of her mouth rushed. "I made you sad, and now you're mad at me. I didn't know how to talk to you, so I ran."

"When did you make me sad?" Bakugo was genuinely confused now. Miyamoto looked up at him with the same confusion mirrored on her face.

"Last night? When you said friends don't lie to each other. You seemed sad."

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