"Wait..." Pool said, clinging to Peter's back like a red and black limpet as they neared their roof. "I just figured it out. Your apartment used to be just around the corner."

Peter chuckled. "Yeah, that's why I would often end up here. Just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, guarding my own neighbourhood."

He swung them up to the rooftop and his jaw dropped. "Wow." 

The rooftop was transformed. There were string lights criss crossing the space and a small round table with three chairs, and an honest to god waiter with a wheeled food trolley waiting by it. The table had candles and a few stems of pretty flowers at one side of the table and a metal rack of some sorts at the other.

"After you," Pool murmured and helped Peter to his chair. Wade and Pool took the other two chairs and almost squirmed in place with excitement. The waiter uncapped a beer, poured a small amount to a glass, and offered it them to taste as if it was an expensive wine. Peter snorted.

"B.E.A., kiss mode, please," Pool said and the mask slid aside to expose his mouth. He sipped the poured beer and nodded sagely and the waiter filled promptly their glasses, murmuring a quiet, "very good, sir."

As they clinked, the waiter got busy. He had a hot plate and prepared ingredients and he quickly fried them up, then loaded up the tacos, filling up the plates as he went. When their plates were full, he placed the rest on what Peter now realised was a taco rack on the table. The waiter then lifted a lid on his trolley and picked bowls of salsa and guacamole from a bed of ice which he placed on the table between them.

"I think we can manage from here, José," Wade said.

"Very good, sir. Please enjoy your evening. Don't mind the dishes. I will come back later to clear it all up." When he left, Wade also liberated his mouth and rubbed his hands together, looking at the laden table.

"This is ... this is amazing," Peter said, trying to wrack his brains for an anniversary he had forgotten but couldn't think of anything. "What's the occasion?"

"Eat first," Pool said, and if Peter didn't know any better he would have said he was nervous.

There were enough tacos to feed an army, or three eternally hungry superheroes after three solid hours of patrolling the city for miscreants. When they were done, even Peter was finding his supersuit a tad tight. He leaned back with a happy sigh.

"Look! Is that Captain Marvel?" Pool suddenly squealed and pointed. Peter looked but didn't see anything. "I think she landed on the street next to our building!"

Peter got up and went to the edge to look and when he turned back, Wade and Pool were each on one knee, jointly holding a small box in their hands.

"Baby boy..."

Peter gawped.

Wade opened the box and inside Peter could see the glint of a simple golden band. Peter breath whooshed out. This was really happening.

"Will you be my baby boy?" the two Wades chorused.

Peter was so overcome he couldn't answer right away. Marry his best friends? His heroes? The two men who had shown him what love and devotion and sex and tacos were all about. The ones who stood by his side every night on patrol. The mercenaries who had stopped killing, for him. The goofballs who loved his aunt as much as Peter did and Thor quite a bit more. Wade and Pool, whose humor matched his own, whose muscles filled his supersuits like a dream, and whose gunpowder and leather scent and cocooning presence was the only thing letting him sleep well at night. Wade Wilson... No wait, two Wade Wilsons. Peter felt like he was punched in the gut.

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