New Year Special Chap 5

Start from the beginning

But it seems like that you were the only one with that problem as Haizaki-kun immediately walked over to the shelf, picked up a few bunches and moved on to the next shelf. In disbelief you walked over to the shelf where he got the bunch of greens from and checked the label. Lo and behold, it was indeed spinach... how did he know without looking at... what the--

"Hey," Haizaki-kun called, snapping you out of your thoughts, "You coming?"

"What-- oh yea, coming..!" You ran to him. Looking at the basket, you noticed that it was filled with vegetables in different packaging and sticker logos and such. Checking the labels, you confirmed that they were all different vegetables which you were looking for. "How are you able to do that..."

"Do what?" Haizaki-kun cocked a brow at you.

"Getting all these vegetables so fast."

"By going to the shelf and putting them in the basket?" He looked at you as if you were asking a stupid question, which in retrospect, kinda was but-

"No- that's not what I meant. I mean, you just straight up walked to a shelf without looking at the labels and, well, just know what vegetable it was."

"I just do? It's easy-"

"No, it's not easy," you insisted and looked at him like he was some sort of supernatural creature. "How- what... How can you tell this," you pointed at one of the vegetables in the basket, and then another kind, "from this without looking at the labels? They look the same..."

"No, they don't."

"Yes, they do."

"They don't."

"Well then I guess I'm just that bad when it comes to cooking..."

"I do help with cooking back at home sometimes. That's probably why," he explained while looking through the assortment on greens in the basket, seemingly trying to understand why weren't you able to tell the difference between them.

"Yea, that explains-- wait. You help your mom cook?"

"Yea, that a problem?" He looked at you like you just insulted him, giving you the 'I dare you to make another bad comment about it' look.

"No. Just, wasn't expecting that. You didn't look like the type," you commented, trying to voice it in a way that didn't seem like you were asking for a fight. But you really have to say, Haizaki-kun in a kitchen? Cooking with an apron?? Certainly something you would never have imagined.

"My mom is often out working so I had to learn one way or another," he shrugged off and continued looking through the shelves for the next item on the list.

"Both your parents work?" You helped him scan the shelves.

"My mom does, my old man is another case." You noticed he practically chucked the item into the basket as he said the last part. He must've noticed your confused looks as he sighed, "Alcohol."

Ah, so that's it... You looked at him in surprise before looking away and evading his gaze quickly. The guilt was eating at you very slowly as you muttered an apology.

"You didn't know. Don't mind it," he said in a calmer tone. Must've been a really sensitive topic. Just when you thought that your conversation was finally going well too. You racked your brain for a way to get cheer the mood up.

"So, you must be a good cook, hmm?" Haizaki-kun seemed to understand your intentions and went along with it.

"Yea, you can say that," his lips curved up lightly and exhaled through his nose.

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