Part 2: Planning

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3rd Person POV:

As the 4 champions were waiting for people to come they were making a plan for the maze. Harry passes a small coin to them and they look at him confused.

"These are protector coins. They will block all spells and charms. I have a feeling we are going to need them." Harry states looking confident and scared.

Cedric noticed this and remembered Harry looked the exact same way when dealing with the dragon.

"Harry, do you have an idea what's going to happen?"

"Yes, and I think we should come up with a plan."

"Knowing you, you already have a plan set in motion."

"Krums, right, so what's the plan."

"Well, 1st) keep the coins on you at all times. 2nd) your right. During the year I have been keeping a close eye on Alister Moody. He gave a book to Neville before your guys' schools showed up." Harry said pointing to Fleur, and Krum. "It's like he already knew what was going to happen. Next, why would he help me with the dragons? While I was in his office I saw his trunk move and it sounded like someone was screaming. He told me I wouldn't understand what was in it. I let it go for the time being. I told myself I would look into it after the 1st task. It was also right after I had told you about the dragons. Then I started to notice that he was almost everywhere I turned, helping me when I didn't need it, and also turning Draco into a ferret. We were just testing my timing and reflexes when Moody came out of nowhere and turned him into a ferret. If you think about everything he's done so far it makes sense."

"You and Cedric are tied, I am in second, and Fleur is in last."

"Which means there is going to be a fork at the beginning of the maze. I have an idea. When Cedric and I split at the fork I will go left and he will go right. Then when Krum enters he goes in Cedric's direction. When Fleur enters she'll go left. Cedric and I will meet you guys at the 1st turn we get to."

"What if we all run into each other?" Fleur questioned.

"When or if we meet up we will stick together. I want to show people that it is not about competition, but about sticking together and making friends. Hold on I think the schools are coming let's split up. I don't want people to know quite yet."

Harry's POV:

We split up and look for our family. I look at the entrance and see my companion animal. Who just so happens to be my godfather. I see that Hermione has a leash on him and I try not to laugh. Once we make eye contact he tries to come to me but gets pulled back by the leash. Hermione then sees what he is trying to get to and let's go and I get tackled by him.

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