Daenerys I

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She wasn't sure what to expect. They had planned for hours in Dragonstone around the painted table. Everyone throwing ideas around, some being shot in the foot over how ridiculous they sounded. But the whole time they were doing so, her gaze kept glancing to Jon Snow. Well, not Jon Snow- Jaehaerys Targaryen. A nephew she never knew she had, a nephew she loved fiercely, and a nephew who had gone against her advice in trusting those closest to him.

It was common knowledge it took little to anger a dragon, but it wasn't common knowledge that it took a lot to hurt one. And this had hurt her massively. She recalled being in that room with him when they were both drunk on victory after their win against the dead and how she was literally on her knees begging him not to tell anyone until the war was over. He didn't see it, completely blinded by his love for his siblings, and Sansa had struck her chance to get rid of her. And yet, despite it all, she couldn't bring herself to hate him.

She herself was still reeling with the news, and she knew he must be worse than she was. He had arisen to King when he believed himself to be nothing more than the stain on the honourable Lord Eddard Stark's cloak- but he never had been. The panic that went through her when she went looking for him in the crypts that fateful day when the words fell from him, and the fact that she immediately thought of her being displaced in getting the throne disgusted her now she thought back on it.

Her whole life, there were three things she wanted most. The first was family. Something she never thought she would get to have again after Viserys died and Mirri placed the curse on her womb that prevented her from having children herself. Yet she had it now, and she had pushed him away. The second thing she wanted was a place to call home. Throughout her life in exile, Meereen felt the most like home to her. But no matter what, she was always going to be a Westerosi to them. Yet now she was in Westeros, she was just seen as a foreigner trying to take over their land. Therefore, she had begun to focus on the last thing she wanted, to restore her House as rulers of Westeros.

Daenerys breathed deeply as she watched from above, could hear the bells ringing loudly even from atop Drogon. Could see the Lannister soldiers throwing their weapons to the ground and allowing their armies to proceed to the castle. Was this all it took to take the Red Keep? For something to be taken in the span of a little more than an hour was almost laughable. But it did strike her as odd that the streets were empty. Either the people had fled which was a distinct possibility, they had all died which again was a possibility because almost no food was coming in to the capital since the assassination of Olenna Tyrell by Jaime Lannister. The last was... her heart momentarily sped up in its beating pattern as realisation sunk in.

Please no, let her hunch be incorrect.

With the thought in mind, she ordered Drogon to fly straight for the castle. His scales completely dousing the city below in pitch-black darkness. She chanced a glance at those below and noticed they had stopped outside the city gates and weren't storming it as expected, and she could see why. From foot, it probably appeared to be perhaps fifty thousand people locked inside. But from above where she could see the entirety of the area, there must've been nearly a quarter of the population in the walls. Immediately, she had her dragon stop as she saw golden hair adorned with a crown below, but she couldn't hear her words from where she was. Next thing she did see were their armies looking to one another fearfully before scampering far away from the castle.

What was going on?

Her answer soon came as a giant blast of green flame swallowed the castle her ancestor had built, and how it was spreading outwards into the city. Tears sprung to her eyes as she watched, all those people, dead. Just like that. Watching people burn was not something new to her, she had literally done it a matter of minutes ago with the Golden Company and those atop the battlements surrounding the city. But this time she had no control over it at all, could only sit and watch in horrified fascination. Clearly those on the ground felt the explosion just before it occurred and that was why they were running. Her eyes trailing to where they were all heading. She took off again and followed them, but it wasn't meant to last as a second green flame erupted from the ground, causing the buildings surrounding it to collapse on hundreds of people. Then those who were just out of range of the onslaught being catapulted back full force from the strength of the blast.

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