Miyamoto shook her head. "No, no I didn't. Bakugo walked with me here."

"Oh?" Aizawa was surprised at his student's actions. "He's being unusually quiet."


"Nevermind," Aizawa droned. "But it's good. I would've been angry had you come here alone. Especially after what you just said."

"Well," Miyamoto muttered. "I would have, had Bakugo not stopped me. We came here straight from the USJ."

At that, Aizawa let out another heavy sigh. "Lift up the bandage from my eyes." 

Miyamoto raised an eyebrow at the sudden request, but obliged, gently moving the bandage away. Aizawa opened his eyes slightly, and both of them were met with a sudden glare.

"You two didn't change out of your costumes?! You can't go walking around with those on like it's nothing! Didn't you notice people looking at you strangely, huh? That's a horrible idea to walk around like that, especially after being attacked by villains!"

Bakugo looked away from Aizawa as he scolded them, and Miyamoto looked down at her hands. She hadn't even thought about changing. It didn't even cross her mind that she was still in her hero outfit. 

"I'm sorry." Miyamoto muttered. Aizawa glared at Bakugo, who continued to avoid his intense stare.

"My bad," Bakugo eventually grumbled. "Runt over there had nothing else on her mind. It would've been impossible to delay her anymore."

That part was true. Miyamoto would've put up a fight if anyone tried to stop her from going to Aizawa. 

"That's no excuse! Bakugo, you know better. Miyamoto, you should've been thinking clearly!" Aizawa scolded and Miyamoto gave him a hard look.

"How could I think clearly?!" She projected her voice for the first time. "I thought I was going to lose you!"

Bakugo masked the surprise on his face at the sound of her yelling; he didn't think she could get her timid voice that loud. Aizawa, on the other hand, just gave her a look. 

"Miyamoto," he began. "You're training to be a hero now. There's more to it than just fighting or saving others. You have to think of every situation, even if others around you get hurt. But I do understand how scared you must've been, and I'm sorry I made you that scared."

Miyamoto's shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry for yelling. I just didn't know what to do. You're the only one who knows; the only one who understands. I went to you, but you were hurt. I didn't know what to do after that; my lack of control made Principal Nezu intervene."

Aizawa looked over Miyamoto's shoulder at a very confused yet attentive Bakugo. "Do you know anything?" Aizawa questioned and Bakugo huffed.

"No." The answer was far more irritated than he wanted to admit it was. He wanted to know what was going on.

"Oh, well then never mind. I can't tell you."


Bakugo stomped forward to glare at his teacher. "What do you mean you can't tell me?! What even happened today? This is all way too suspicious for me to just not ask questions!"

Aizawa gave him an even stare. "It's not my place to tell. But I do appreciate you walking Miyamoto here. I know this may be rude, but I'd like it if you went home now."

"WHAT?!" Bakugo was seething. He knew Aizawa meant that if he wanted to know, he'd have to hear it from Miyamoto. Which he knew wasn't going to happen. And on top of that, he was just expected to leave empty-handed.

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