Chapter 1

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"We have another mission for you."

I glanced at the two folders before me. They were both thick and plain. One of them had my name on it.

I looked to my sister, Cassandra. She looked at the HYDRA commanders in front of us. Cassandra reached forward and grabbed a folder, and I copied her actions.

"We need Tony Stark's information," Commander Ders said. "We will get it by infiltrating the tower."

Cassandra scoffed.

"You can't just walk in and steal Tony Stark's information," she said.

"That's why y/n will get close to his protegee and, when the opportunity arises, steal the information using her powers," Commander Ivanov said.

I felt the electricity flow through my veins as the commander mentioned my power. HYDRA had given me the power after my parents had died. They had also worked for HYDRA, as well as my sister.

"You have a week before you are flown out to New York," Ders said.

We stood up, but before we left, we said the words that had been burned into my mind since I was old enough to talk.

"Hail Hydra."

Cassandra and I walked down the gloomy halls to our shared bedroom. It was bigger than most of the rooms in this base. When Cassandra and I reached our room, we sat on our beds and began looking through the folders.

There was a whole lot of information on Tony Stark and his company. I already knew all of this because Hydra made sure that we knew everything about the Avengers.

Then there were pages upon pages full of Spiderman. Spiderman was actually a sixteen-year-old boy called Peter Parker. There were photos of him and little snippets of information.

I flipped over to read the mission file. Become friends with Peter Parker, somehow convince him to let me into the Avenger's tower, and then steal Tony Stark's information. I only needed to find something electrical that was connected to the tower to be able to hack into it.

"What do you think?" Cassandra asked me once we'd both finished reading.

I sighed and flicked through the pages again. It said that I'd have to attend Mid Town Tech. I had never been to a school before, or around anyone my age.

"I have no idea how long it'll take, but he looks pretty innocent," I said.

Cassandra nodded.

"You'll have to pretend to like the things he does so that you can have things in common with him," Cassandra said. "You're good with science, so we don't need to worry about that. You'll need to watch the Star Wars movies..."

Cassandra continued planning. I left all that to her. All I needed to do was find this boy and become his friend. Easy, right?

Cassandra soon left and came back with the Star Wars movies. She put them on and left – probably to confirm details. I watched the movies, drinking in the details.

The movies were actually good. I actually liked them, which was strange. I had never liked something for myself before.

After about three movies I turned the tv off to get some sleep. I lay in my bed, unable to fall asleep. I kept thinking of Peter Parker and my upcoming mission. Getting him to like me wouldn't be that hard, would it? I was an extremely skilful liar, and I knew how to get what I wanted.

The next week was full of drilling all of Peter Parker's information into my head. His address, his hobbies, his routes, and his abilities. The file didn't tell me how they got Spiderman's information. I wondered how they found out. I was fairly certain that his identity was a secret, and after a quick internet search, I confirmed that suspicion.

I watched all of the other Star Wars movies and worked on my science. Being apart of Hydra and being experimented upon led me to know a lot about science. The scientists explained what was happening to me when they gave me my powers eight years ago. My sister actually insisted upon me knowing everything to do with science. It would certainly help with this mission.

Another part of the week was training harder than I ever had before. I was put under extreme pressure and had to hack into files that were so encrypted that Tony Stark himself would have trouble getting into them.

The day to fly to New York finally rolled around. I stood at the private airport with my sister, holding a suitcase full of normal people things, like clothes and books. Hydra was able to provide us with all of these things, including an apartment in Queens.

Cassandra and I got onto the private jet with no troubles. We sat in the comfy leather chairs and ordered drinks from the attendant. When my drink came, I sniffed it, making sure it wasn't poisoned.


I glanced up to see Cassandra watching me check my drink.

"This is Hydra. They're not going to poison us," she chided.

"You never know," I replied. "There could be a spy."

Cassandra smiled at me proudly.

"That's my girl," she complimented, before opening the mission files to go over.

I flicked through the files as well, making sure that I remembered everything. After about an hour of checking and making sure that I knew every single detail, I scrolled through the movie list on the plane. As soon as I saw they had The Empire Strikes Back, I clicked on it and played the movie. I curled up in the seat and watched Luke Skywalker on screen. After the movie finished, I fell asleep, exhausted from all my training and memorising from the past week.

I woke up to Cassandra shaking me.

"We're here."

We exited the plane, and I began my mission.

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