I. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit

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Art credit: Madomii


Y'know after completely and utterly totally doing your math homework, it's nice to stream. I texted my moms that I'm going live so they don't barge in talking about our address or something then hit the "Go Live" button.

A_Mel_In_A_Cup is live!

Let's vibe, shall we?

I turned on Lemon Demon while I waited for my viewers to join. After a good two minutes of completely jamming, I decided it was a good time to take my "Starting Soon" screen off.

"Wait, actually this is the best part of the song," I said, jamming for a good thirty seconds again. My chat was spamming the lyrics or going "Goo white girl go".

"Ow, okay, I think I gave myself whiplash." I laughed as my earbud flew onto my lap. "That's enough for today. How are we chat? I'm not going to lie, I don't have a plan at all for this stream."

I put my earbud back and started thanking the few donations, subs, and bits.

"Mods, can we get a poll? Okay, um, Minecraft, Art, or Just Chatting. I think those are good enough." I waited for a little, thanking my mods for the poll. Art ended up winning which shocked me, Minecraft normally wins.

"Okay, well give me a second, I actually have to set up now."

I took my earbuds out, going to grab my Ipad that was sat on my nightstand. I sat back down, putting my Ipad on the random Amazon box I used so I didn't completely destroy my back. I connected my Ipad to my stream then put my earbuds back in.

"Are we good chat?" I asked, looking at the chat. A few said no but the rest said yes. "Okay, pog, what should I draw?"

A donation ran through a few seconds later, suggesting an orphanage on fire. I laughed at it but said no sadly. My younger sister was probably watching my stream in the living with my mom listening to every bit of it as she could dinner. A few random donations came through, I decline most of them due to the same reason as the first one.

"Guys, my six-year-old sister is watching this with my mom in the room. I can't be drawing arson while my mom is there." I stated jokingly, changing the song.

"Ali Lee donated three dollars, what if you draw you in Hogwarts? Or in Percy Jackson?"

My face lit up. "Yes, I will be doing that. Thank you for the dono and suggestion."

As I sketched out me in Hogwarts, my chat started talking about my obsession with Cedric Diggory.

"Big Simp donated ten dollars; you're in love with a dead man." Someone donated.

I laughed while staring at my facecam with shock. "Don't say any spoilers! And who cares? Also thank you."

I continued drawing, listening to the donations of my chat bullying me. It's fine, I bullied them back.

"What house are you?"

"Gryffindor. Guess I'm the main character." I answered, sketching out the scarf.

"Who's your godly parent?"

"Um, I think it was Athena last time I checked."

I continued drawing, answering a few random questions, and vibing with chat.

"Raiders? Wait, who raided?" I asked, looking at my monitor. I was so consumed in drawing Cedric next to me that I forgot that I actually have to read chat not just talk to them.

I jumped a little at the far too loud raid sound I had.

"Thank you- LONDYN? HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" I stared at my screen in disbelief. "No, no, no, this is not real."

"Londyn underscore hates life donated twenty dollars, you're a Gryffindor? I'm a Slytherin."

I blinked a few times, getting out of my fangirl state. "Yeah, I am. And thank you so much for the twenty. You're a Slytherin? That's cool, tell Draco to go suck Harry's d- actually, moving on."

I did not just sat that while my favorite streamer watching.

"Londyn underscore hate life donated fifteen dollars, And you ship Drarry? You're my friend now."

I laughed a little. "Okay can't believe I just become friends with my favorite streamer because of Drarry but alright."

After I finished my drawing thirty minutes later, I ended my stream. I ate dinner then changed and laid in my bed. I opened Twitter, I know scary.

Londyn_HatesYou wants to send you a message
Accept | Decline


Hypothetically what if we streamed
together tomorrow? Dream isn't convinced
yet that you should be on the server

Yeah we could stream together



Sorry that was aggressive I just
don't know how to cope with this

Pog and yes and it's alright

I need someone to talk to
other than three teenage boys and
people that are three+ years old than me

Also you're really cool

Im going to go scream one sec

Okay I'm fine now

lmao. What time are you free tomorrow?

Around 2 MDT

Pog that works

Talk to you tomorrow gotta go before Tommy
murders me. Bye!


Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night freaking out while watching Londyn's stream.


Not gonna lie, I really missed writing the story. Also, not going to lie to you lot,

Amelia is heavily based on my friend.

- Alice

*mWah* <3

Word count: 900


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