Miyamoto stared at Thirteen in awe as she finished her speech. While the others cheered, all Miyamoto could do was lightly bow her head in appreciation for what Thirteen had said. 

My power is to help others. Miyamoto thought. I can help others.

Aizawa stepped forward to take over, saying something but stopping halfway. Miyamoto looked up at Aizawa and saw the way his eyes widened in surprise as he turned around.

"Gather together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students."

A horrid feeling crawled through Miyamoto's skin as she looked over to where Aizawa was now facing. 

A portal had opened down on the ground floor. And there were people starting to emerge from the black and purple gate. 

A couple of the students looked in interest, and Miyamoto heard Kirishima's voice, but she couldn't hear his words. Her hands were already shaking too much. She knew. She knew what this was.

"Those are villains."

Aizawa's words rang through her mind and she tore her gaze off the dozens of villains appearing below to look at Aizawa. He met her gaze once and gave a curt nod, as if to reassure her. 

It didn't take long for the students to analyze the situation and figure out what was going on. Todoroki gave a perfect logical answer as to how the villains planned this, and Miyamoto couldn't bring it in herself to move a muscle. 

Aizawa ordered Thirteen to start an evacuation amongst other things, wanting someone to warn the school about the invaders. He also ordered Kaminari to try to get in contact with the school.

"What about you, sensei? Will you fight by yourself?" Midoriya questioned Aizawa out of fear. Miyamoto looked up at him with pleading eyes, begging him not to, even though she already knew his response.

"You can't be a hero with just one trick," Aizawa muttered. "I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen."

With that, Aizawa jumped away, and Miyamoto let out a gasp, her body moving forward subconsciously. A hand grabbed her and she snapped her head around, seeing Bakugo giving her a glare.

"Don't be stupid, Runt. You'll just get in his way."

Miyamoto wanted to argue with him, but she didn't get the chance as he pulled her and shoved her in the opposite direction, where the rest of her classmates were beginning to run. She started to run with Bakugo right behind her.

Their retreat was short lived as the villain with the portal quirk appeared in front of them. "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath."

Miyamoto stared at him in horror. All Might? They were here to kill All Might?

The villain muttered something else, but before he could attack, Kirishima and Bakugo charged him. They sent out a flurry of attacks and an explosion before Kirishima proudly proclaimed they could beat him.

The villain, however, didn't seem too concerned about the attack that just hit him. Instead, he shot out more of the portal to surround the group, and Miyamoto looked around her in fear as she heard the villain's words.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!"


Miyamoto's eyes went wide with horror and she felt her whole body tremble. Not again. She couldn't take the nightmare a second time. The mere thought of going through that inescapable pain, the scalpels that peeled through her body, the cold chair, the innumerable tests, the trials, the needles, and the feeling of people invading her body over and over again as if she weren't even a person...it all made Miyamoto panic.

Survivor - Bakugo x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن