Chapter Twenty- Nine

Start from the beginning

"Those Justin Bieber fans are violent." Ashton said as he was looking through his Twitter feed.

"Maybe I shouldn't come watch you guys tonight... I don't want you guys getting hate." I said as I checked Twitter. They were already saying mean things about both bands. I sighed and started unfollowing the mean ones. Directions and 5sos fans started sending me hate too.

"Don't look at that stuff." Zayn said as he pressed my power button to lock my phone.

"Sorry." I apologized and put my phone away.

"Don't worry about the mean people." Michael said as he gave me a warm smile.

"You guys can go have lunch or do whatever you guys want for now." The manager said and left.

"Xbox?" Niall asked. The boys looked at each other and started racing towards the door, except for Harry and Luke.

"Subway?" I asked and waited for their answer.

"Sure." Luke said and started going out the door.

"Do you like Luke?" Harry asked as he walked beside me.

"As a friend." I answered while crossing my arms.

"Just friends?"

"Yeah.. Why?"

"He wants to be more than that." Harry said. I didn't respond. "I don't think he's right for you."

"Why can't I have a guy friend? I don't want to date anyone right now, just hang out and have fun." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I didn't mean to make you mad." Harry apologized.

"It's fine, let's go get food I'm hungry."

* * *
Justin's P.O.V

"Why would you let her go?" I said angrily to Scooter.

"I didn't know she was going to go. She won't answer her calls."

"Go get her." I demanded as I slammed my hand on the table.

"I can't just go drag her away." He defended.

"Fine I'll go." I said as I stood up.

"Justin sit your ass down. You're just going to make yourself look bad. I'll have Alfredo go down there and keep an eye on her. I'll have a talk with her when she comes back." Scooter said annoyingly.

"But she's going to fuck them!" I defended.

"No she won't." Scooter said. I stood there for a moment and tried to calm down. I know what I made her do was bad, but she has to forget about it. "Go to the studio or something, don't you dare go get her."

"K." I spat out and left, making sure he knew I was mad by slamming the door.

* * *

Alfredo's P.O.V

"What are you doing here?" Kylie said while sitting up quickly. I saw her sitting next to Luke with his arm around her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I didn't like Luke, I know he's trying to use her. I have a feeling.

"Just watching a video with Luke, what are you doing here?" She asked again.

"Scooter told me to come here to keep an eye on you." I said, she immediately rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a baby, you don't have to watch me." She sighed and crossed her arms.

"But you tend to do things with little boys." I said while glaring at Luke. He awkwardly looked away and stiffened.

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