Extra 2: Professor Rickman's Rehearsal Period

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

As long as he stopped his association with the Iron Lotus and The Syndicate, then the future would not come to be.

Now, where was he regarding the role swapping?

Ah, yes.

So this time around, since Fredrick was no longer in the class, Finneas was the second option for Sir Gilde.

As for Lady Rose...

Honestly, he should have bombed that test.

At least he wasn't alone in his sufferings.

Royce got a completely different role, too.

Both of them were assigned to the tech department, and Lady Lettuse played the Nurse.

Royce not being at school for a week or two allowed Lady Lettuse to switch out her part for tech, and since he was missing from class, he had no say in the swap.

On the bright side, the Nurse was only a relevant character for the first act before being killed off. The character was also a warrior, which meant Royce got to do an entire action-dance sequence with the whip.

The Nurse shared multiple scenes with the Cousin of Lady Rose, all of which end in brawls. Tybalt played this aforementioned cousin and needed to be drilled in basic-stage combat.

"You saucy boy! How dare you spice the yolks of peace? This town has been absolutely scrambled from the chaos you've brought, good sir!" Royce yelled righteously, raising his whip in front of Tybalt like an overly aggressive challenge.

Tybalt leered, tossing his head back while laughing like an arrogant prat, "Dear Nurse, you only know peace by seeing only the whites! All hard-boiled eggs have a crack in their shells, and if you wish for something poached and soft, I advise you to stay by your Lady's sunnyside."

Despite the horrible lines, Neo really felt the script.

Tybalt and Royce made it look effortless.

If only he and Finneas could be the same.

The two of them were somewhat decent during solo scenes, but when together?

They were practically screwed.

"How do I say this in a nice way? Your chemistry's shit."

Royce once told them.

It wouldn't surprise Neo if Rickman decided to kill his lead actors once he realized what a horrible mistake he'd made choosing them as his leads.

The class will be performing in front of a massive audience in two and a half weeks' time.

A massive audience of nobles.

The upper society would either know this production as one of the best they've ever seen, or a trash fire piece of garbage that the renowned Erick Rickman directed and produced all by himself.

The scandal it would create was going to be mortifying if the stage burned down–metaphorically, of course, (don't want to jinx that...).

Neo could already imagine the social suicide of his class if the show went horribly.

"Odum! Where is Odum?! And Finneas! Somebody get those two dunderheads over here right this instance! We're going over the balcony scene!"

A blonde wig was shoved onto Neo's head like a bird's nest. He felt two apples being shoved down his shirt and a white bedsheet being tied around his waist.

"Your nightgown," Lady Lettuse said without prompting.


"What are you-"

The Reincarnated Villainous Young Master's Guide to Happinessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें