Don't you have a kingdom to over though or something

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Varian and his dad worked together on rebuilding their house. Doing this together really helped the two bond and become closer. His dad was a little more open when it came to talking to his son about anything especially when letting Varian know how much he loved him. Varian became very attached to his dad, to the point where it worried Qurin. He understood that he was without him for a little over a year. That he was stuck in the amber and Varian had to look at that almost everyday. He knew his son was afraid of loosing him again, but he also noticed that he never went outside except with him and even them he had his head down and never made eye contact with anyone. He knew the towns people were still angry with Varian, and deep down he knew some would never forgive his son and it pained him. Qurin also knew that Varian was aware of this as well and that made the pain worse. If only they knew the whole story, that he was just a boy who was in pain, who was alone, confused, and scared who took all those emotions and just Channeled his anger and released it the only way he could think of.
"Son, can I talk to you?" Qurine called from the main room. Varian came running in with a huge smile on his face running up to his dad and giving him a huge hug.
"Varian, I know your afraid of loosing me again, thats why you are always around me, witch is fine, I love having my son with me, but you have to go be with your friends. Go to Carona see Catalina and Angry, their around your age. Go to your lab and create some more chemical compounds and other stuff. What I am saying is that you are inside 24/7 and only talk to me, do you understand me son?" Varian's face changed. His smile turned into a frown and the light in his eyes withered away.
"Dad, do you know what I see when I'm in my lab?" he asked his dad looking down. " I see the Queen chained to the ground, Rapunzel and the King stuck in the purple goo, I hear Rupunzel's scream when her hair hit the amber. I used to love my lab, but now all it brings is bad memories, it reminds me of the terrible things I did, of the monster I became" he looked up to meet his dad's eyes "and I am not a monster". Qurin took a seat on the couch and patted the seat next to him signaling to Varian to come sit next to him. Varian walked over and sat down.
"You know the story of how your mom died, she was sick and no one knew how to help her. You were only five at the time." Varian nodded very confused on what this has to do with how much he hated his lab and couldn't face it.
"She was laying in our bed telling me how much she loved me and loved you, telling me how good of a father I would be she had no clue on how wrong she would be" he said that last part under his breath, but Varian still herd it.
"Your a great father dad, the best" Qurin smiled at his son, how did he raise such a great kid. He then contuined his story "She passed in our bedroom and for the longest time I could not enter or even look in that room. All it did was remind me of what I had lost, my parter, my love, the mother of my child. I would sleep on the couch because I couldnt bring myself to sleep in the bed where she once slept, and where she died. What got me back in there was you" Varian looked at his dad confused beyond understanding. How could a five year old help his depressed father who was missing his wife.
"You just being you, what I never told you, was how much you are like her. She too was into alchemy, she loved sience and wanted to discover and create as many things as she could. She loved mixing things together and figuring out what they did and how they worked. You get your curiosity and devotion from your mother, along with your brains. She was the smartest person I once knew, now that is you. Varian I believe you are made for great things, but the only way to reach that is getting back into the lab. I suggest you go visit your friends in Corona maybe they will give you the streanght you need, the way you gave me strength." Varian felt more confident, more strong then he has ever felt. More strong them he was when he was in his big Atomaton, and his dad was right, he needed to go hang out with his friends.
"Am I really like mom that much, that you see her in me?"
"Yes, I am actually kind of jealous ,my only child really doesn't have much of me" Varian smiled faded a little, he always thought his father wanted him to be more like him, but felt like he never could. Qurin noticed this and quickly corrected what he meant.
"Its not a bad thing, its kind of a good thing, your mother was so care free, clever and smart while I'm a play it safe kind of guy and you know not smartest tool in the shead"
"Dad you run a village you have to be smart and brave for that. But I think I will be on my way to Carona, I'll let everyone know you said hi" Varian grabbed his bag that had a small vile of flinnolium because an alchemist never knows when it could be useful and some random pieces of paper and a pencil.
Half way though Old Corona he could hear people whisper and could hear what they were saying.
"Cant believe Qurin still lets him live with him"
"If he was my child he would be kicked out of the village". Varian's good mood started to dwindle when people started calling out names.
He ran out of the village and into the forest where it was even more dangoures, he was alone with his thoughts.

your  a failure Varian, your mom would be so disappointed, your father is disappointed, how could he ever love a criminal. no one will ever forgive you, not even Rapunzel his mind kept saying.

"NO, she has forgiven me, my father is not disappointed in me and nor would my mother, they both love me" a few tears escaped his eyes before he had the change to wipe them away. He took a deep breath and composed himself before he contained his way to Corona. When he arrived he kept his head down, he knew people hated him and didn't want to draw attention to himself. The people of Corona were typically really nice, but they all hated him. He walked up to Monty to ask if he has seen the two sisters.
"Why, do you plan on hurting them too?" he sassed the kid.
"Um... no, I just wanted to see my friends"
"Who would want to be friends with a trader. Leave the city if you know whats good for you" he turned around and walked back into his shop. Varian saw two other people talking together laughing with each other they looked to be around his age.
"Excuse me, have you seen Catalina and Angry?" he asked.
"Of course they-" the one who was not facing him started to say, but once the two saw who it was their deminer changed.
"You" they added with a deep voice. Varian eyes widened as he realized he was in trouble. They took him into a back ally and pinned him against a wall.
"James do you think he leaned his lesson?"
"No, I don't think he did Ash" the two brothers glared at the boy.
"Guys please, I'm sorry, I am, really. Please don't" Ash Through a punch to Varian face, than James took a shot as his stomach making Varian buckle over. He fell to the ground groaning in pain, the two began to kick Varian. He was about to pass out when right before he heard someone cry out his name.
The Princess and Eugene were walking thought the streets when they heard someone Yelp in pain in an alway way that was coming next to them. Eugene investigated the commotion but was shocked when he saw Varian on the ground covered in blood.
"VARAIN!" he cried. The two brothers turned around and were shocked to see Eugene, they ran away afraid of facing the Princess. People know that when you mess with her friends that the nice girl they know is out the door and will give you an ear full for hurting them.
"Blondi come here" Raps ran after and tears started to stream down her face when she saw her young friend all bloody and who could nearly keep his eyes open.
"Don't worry Varian we will get you help" she wanted to add I promise, but she knew she lost that ability a long time ago.

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