Part 2

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"Um... guys," We pulled apart. Everyone looked a little worried through their tear stained faces. "I really hate to ruin the moment but... um... I should go tell Willie."
"Yeah. Yeah, definitely." Luke nodded.
"Sorry, but who's Willie?" Julie looked at me a bit confused. Right. She had no idea.
I looked at Luke. He nodded slightly. I could feel the anxiety rise up in me. Julie. Julie is great but coming out to people always created such anxiety in me ever since what happened with my parents. I shiver at the thought of the day.
"I... uh... I-"
"Alex?" I didn't meet Julie's eyes. "Alex." I looked at Julie. She took my hands. "You can tell me anything. You know that. Right?"
I nodded and looked up at the ceiling trying to blink back tears. I let out a slow ragged breath.
"Willie... Willie is a boy I have a crush on. He's a ghost." I let out in one breath. "I'm gay."
Julie smiled at me. "Finally. I've know you were gay. Gah. I'm just glad that you felt comfortable enough to come out to me even though you look like you're going to have an anxiety attack." Julie slowly wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in close. "It's okay. Okay?"
I slowly nodded. "Thank you." I whispered.
"Hey. I love you. Now... I believe you have a ghost to go see?"
I smiled. I finally came out to someone who wasn't going to abuse me or say that I'm a sin or that I'm choosing the wrong lifestyle. Someone that accepts me for me. Nothing more, nothing less. That's all I want.
I grabbed my hoodie, wiggling it on while I hurried down the driveway from the studio. Once I finally reached the end, I poofed to the museum. It was my first thought of places to look for Willie.
I walked in and found Willie screaming and crying. Tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Am I to blame for this? I- I felt "magic" between us. I felt that it was one of those "love at first sight" scenarios you only see in movies and read in books. Was it? I'd call what I felt towards Willie "love at first sight". He was, as Taylor Swift puts it, "Handsome. A mansion with a view." beautiful inside and out. I had started listening to Taylor Swift some after Julie had first met us. She introduced me to her but that's a story for another time. Right now, I'm focused on Willie who is curled into a ball, sobbing on the bench we moved a few weeks ago. And I'm just standing where he can't see me, watching him. Watching him be sad. Because of me? Maybe. I feel so bad for putting him through this pain... if it's even me putting him through it.
I walked up behind him and put my arms around him. He jumped a little at the touch but I guess he recognized my pink hoodie because he took one look at the arms engulfing him in a hug and settled into me.
After a second of us being in each other's embrace he jumped up and turned to look at me. He seemed angry.
"Stop. Caleb, I'm done with- with your ga- games." He was sobbing so much and I was confused.
"Willie, it's me. It's Alex. Seriously. Please come here." I held out my hand, hoping he'd come over to me and realize that this wasn't Caleb playing tricks.
"No. I- I can't," My heart was breaking at his words. Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes.
"No. This has happened too many times before." He shoved me off the bench.

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