Elizabeth and that guy walked outside and I follow sitting on a cloud of darkness, apparently we where on a giant pig, i just wasn't listening like always, 

Then a few red demons came out of nowhere 

"Don't tell me they already noticed us!" That guy said "Princess Elizabeth you must step back!" 

"We stand out dude of course they did" the pig said 

The red demon swung at only Elizabeth and the other two, Avoiding me, 

That guy went up and yelled "Purge!" Then the demon fell.

I stood up and looked behind us to see 4 Red demons and 3 grey, i walked over to where that guy was standing, i put my hand on his shoulder making sure not to accidentally reap his soul, "may i?" 

He turned and nodded at me

I walked over to the edge 


The pig turned and destroyed all the demons 

"That's impressive I must say" I said 

The pig started yelling about it was amazing, when it swallowed some demon skin it then looked like a red demom

"Lord piglet, What happened to your appearance"

"When hawk eats any living creature with magical powers then he transforms, Here" she bent down "now spit it out for me" the pig just started squeeling "Hawk get a hold of yourself" 

"I must say when we rushed over here, I wasn't expecting to find such a strange group"

' My god, just get this over with already' I thought 

I clipped back into reality and saw Derieri try strike Elizabeth, but got stopped by Meliodas punching her in the jut, she flew back into the ground below us

Monspeet flew after her "Tch, Love birds" 

"Now what's all this about.. I wake up after a really long snooze, and things are looking pretty bad" he said "and what in the heck happened to you" he said to the pig 

"You idiot, Hey Elizabeth, i told you didn't I he'd come back for you, only you, he dosent give a danm about me, Or Zeldris" i said "and definitely hates Estarossa" i said they didn't pay any attention most likely not hearing me

"Y/N?" He said looking at me


"Are you okay, you took that blast from Gloxinia like a champ, I would've fell over and died" Meliodas said walking over to me, 

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine  don't worry about me" 

"I need to go" i said teleporting to Liones, i teleported outside the castle i walked in, to see Greyroad, Fraudrin and some humans 

"Interesting..."  i said i walked past them all i then teleported next to Fraudrin "Merlin, daughter of Belianuin?" (I think it's spelt correctly)


"NO! IT CANT BE YOUR SPOUTING NONSENSE!" Fraudrin yelled at us both

"And my true name is- *#&%('o#(6;:


Greyroad yelled, 

"Your all rowdy" i said jumping down "now merlin, may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead" 

"If your so powerful why not turn your back on the humans, i don't see the point in protecting them" i said looking up and her

"I don't know, there isn't a reason to be completely honest, if there was I would tell you Y/N of the 11 Commandments"

"Thank you for your time, I'll be going now" i said walking down and past all the humans "I'm going to find my brothers" 

Time skip

I stood on the outer wall of liones, as I saw Fraudrin At his full height, as I looked carefully Meliodas was there, and they where fighting, or more like an illusion of him but whatever, 'Well, He's gonna die, anyways back to finding Zeldris and Estarossa i guess' 

Another time skip

It was the next day, I had found Zeldris and Estarossa in Camelot 

It was night, Zeldris was sitting on the throne while I was laying in the air 

"So you where attacked, is that it?" Zeldris said to a blue demon

"All of my allies where wiped out. And we lost every single one of the sacrificial victims" he responded 

"Where you able to determine who was behind this" 

The demon shook his head in a no motion

"Tch, enough your dismissed"

The blue demon got up and walked out 

Zeldris looked pissed, he looked at the bubbling body of Estarossa, he had nearly been killed in a attack that was sent his way he had been unconscious for a while now, Zeldris got up and walked over to him, just staring at him, 

"Such incompetence" he said and walked back to the throne 

"Zeldris, you seem angered, and confused" i said looking at him

He sat down at looked at me back, then sighed closing his eyes and leaning back, "why'd you try save him?" He said 

I looked at the floor, "I don't know.  I guess my feeling of hatred isn't all as strong as I thought it was, Besides, I can't kill him, you know that. Did you see Estarossa when he stabbed Meli, He barely  was able to put one dagger in his chest" I said looking back up at him, He was looking at the ceiling, and sighed again

I shifted my head and turned on my back

'What am I gonna do with all of you' I thought, I smiled to my self, and closed my eyes

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