(3) Meeting Deuce

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♡ Pacifica POV ♡
It was the morning and surprisingly the bed was actually quite comfortable and cozy,half expecting to be painful and the covers being really hot to sleep probably I brought spare pillows just in case.The mystery of the Gleeful twins was still on my mind and kept thinking "what if they're just more than psychics? They may seem or act nice but what if it just all an act? Maybe they have a big crave for ultimate power?" Nah maybe I would have to find some prove first meeting them in person first would be the best option but Gideon would probably go with me too.

Come to think of it,he hasn't told me anything about them maybe asking him if he knows what there is find out.So I just decide to see if he did know anything about them and see if it could link to the Gleeful twins.But first I need to clean myself before I could see anyone because my face looks horrid after sleeping for some reason and also for me to smell nice and cleansed up.I put on some deodorant,wash my face,brush my hair and put into a ponytail with a Scrunchie and change into my usual clothing wearing a pink varsity jacket,a turquoise t-shirt,blue jeans and a pair of red sneakers.

I got out of my room and went over to Gideon's room to ask him about the Gleeful twins also taking the journal as-well.I knocked on the door but there was no answer so I tried again but still no answer so instead probably banging on the door was the better option and not a surprise it worked.

"Who is it?" Gideon asked.

"It's Pacifica,can I come in I want to ask you something"

"Sure but don't bang the door next time please"

"Gids why aren't you dressed yet it's sunny outside don't you want to go on some mystery's today?"

"Paz it's like 9:30 in the morning you really want to wake up this early and how are you already dressed?"

"I'm used to waking up early and also I wanted you ask you about something"

"Sure Paz what is it?"

"Do you know the Gleeful twins are?"

"Of all the things to ask about Reverse Falls,you decide to ask about those two?"

"Why? What's wrong with them,they can't be that bad can they?"

"Yes they can,they are the most stuck up and snarky people you could ever meet in Reverse Falls.They think they are fooling everyone with their magic trick performances and psychic abilities but to me it's all part of their big plan!"

"What plan? Gideon have you every actually met them before?"

"No but from what I've seen and my dad has told me,they aren't nice people and you should thankful you haven't been fooled by them yet".

"Well no one can fool me and even if they are bad,I'm not scared or maybe I can help them become better people".

"Well good luck with that then".

"You know why don't we go see one of their shows today? I think we could get a better perspective of them".

"Fine okay but we are going at nighttime it's more mystery that way".

"Okay good and Gideon please get dressed and clean you kinda smell".

"Alright your majesty".

God I hate when Gideon is moody in the mornings but I'm used to it by this point so what's the big fuss.Going down to the kitchen to have breakfast and woah the stairs were very creeky nearly at the point of breaking.I was at the kitchen and saw some man in there wait a sec it's a burglar! I went in with a croquet and nearly hitting the guy but then...

"Woah chill out dude I'm not a robber,I work with mr Pines" the man stopped me from away to hit him.

"Oh my bad and who are you?"

"I'm Deuce Ramirez and I work at the mystery shack with mr Pines dude"

"Nice to meet you Deuce,I'm Pacifica Southeast and I'm his niece staying here for the summer"

"Oh yeah mr Pines told me about you,your apparently quite the angel"


"He said your very well behaved and always trying to do the right thing sounds you have quite a good representation dude"

"Huh? He really said that"


"Speaking of my uncle,where is he?"

"Oh mr Pines is currently showing a cool mind blowing attraction!"

"Well I'm just going to have something to eat and maybe go out to explore this place"

"Time for a repair-guy to become a repairman! See you later dude!"

"Bye Deuce! It was nice meeting you!"

Okay well it was a little creepy just hanging out in the kitchen but he seems like a really funny guy and I took a pop tart from the kitchen but unfortunately eating it dry.I took the journal and decided to see what the weirdness of Reverse Falls has to offer.

Reverse Dipcifica:The Good and The Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें