Season 8 Episode 2 "White Knuckles"

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"Why didn't you tell this to patrol?" Kevin asked.

"I've been home all day nobody's come by. If they have no one's talked to me. She died didn't she, that young girl?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Seemed like a good person, like she tried real hard to be happy." The women said.


"I don't understand, where is my son?" A man shouted in the main entrée of intelligence, Voight and Emma came down the stairs.

"Sir, your son's upstairs." Voight said.

"Upstairs? You put him in a box even though you found him high?"

"Yes sir, he was high." Emma said, the man narrowed his eyes.

"Your questioning him, without a lawyer, while he's high? Are you kidding me?" He started charging towards Emma just as Kevin and Adam came up behind her.

"HEY!" Everyone shouted at the man, before his lawyer held him back, Emma back up and bumped into Kevin who put his hand on her shoulder.

"Why the hell is my son upstairs without a lawyer."

"Listen sir, I am happy to talk to you-" Voight started.

"I am going to have your badge, and her badge, and their badge." 

"I'm just doing my job." voight said.

"Not for much longer." The man said.

"Excuse me!" Emma said crossing her arms.

"Little bean, not the time." Kevin said to her.

"I will tear you apart in front of the media! I know who you are!" 

"Alderman Braddem." The Deputy Super Intent Miller came up the stairs. 

"I need to see my son I need to be up there."Braddem said.

"And I will help you do that, just not in the hallway and not while raising our voices. Please, this way." She said gesturing to the office, she turned to Voight. "I'll speak to you upstairs." Voight nodded and headed back upstairs. 

"Mackenzie, you just come here to watch?" Kevin called out to one of the cops who was watching him.

"Come on Kev." Emma said pushing I'm back upstairs.


"Well, it was clearly leaked to the alderman." Kevin sighed.

"Doesn't matter how, we are here now. Someone please tell me we have something." Voight said.

"I confirmed a blue sedan outside Isla's apartment, saw it coming, and going. Matched with the time frame we got from the witness. But Isla has no POD outside, so I caught it Turing onto her block, lost it, and than caught again leaving twenty minuets later." Kim said,

"So we can't confirm the plates, or that it was Evan outside of Isla's. It's possible someone exited the car, but we have zero way to prove that." Jay said.

"I got something!" Rocky shouted coming from around the back, he jumped into Emma's desk chair and started typing on her computer. "So Emma told me the TV was on during the time of death and I followed a feeling, we both had, this was playing." Rocky said Turing on a news report from the night before. The man matched Billy's description.

"Blue tie, green eyes, suit-" Emma said.

"And a voice like he's telling a story." Voight said.

"This happens sometimes during trauma." Emma said. "His wires got crossed, latched onto the wrong thing." Emma said. 

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