a lifetime apart

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1943 - Holland

"You promise me?"
"I promise Eliz."
"I don't want to lose you Adonnis." she said, tears in her eyes. "I love you."
Adonnis looked at her for a minute and then said "you're not going to loose me Liz. I promise you I'll find you."
Her heart shattered as she heard his words. He never said "I love you too". He never did and he'll never will.

1997 England

Adonnis slowly got up from his bed, still feeling awful. He looked at the frame on his bedside table. "Eliz.." he said, with a sad and regretful expression on his face. "I'm sorry." In the picture, Eliz, him and Ella, his little sister. All torn apart, lost from the war. There was nothing to be done. It was all over before it even began. But is that what really happened?
*Ding dong* the bell rang.
Adonnis went downstairs and opened the door. "Hello?" he said.
No one was there. "Hello??"
He looked down to see a newspaper. Weird, he thought. Very weird. Who left this old newspaper here. The date was clear: 24/4/1994

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