The Argument- it ended

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Min suspired loudly as she wrote the last paragraph of her essay, she was very tired, depressed and lonely. She stared at the clock in her dorm room waiting for her roommate to get home, she was in need of some friend’s therapy.

    Fifteen minutes later Luna came inside the room slamming the door shut. Luna stormed past Min without saying a word, she flung herself onto her bunk bed hissing her teeth repeatedly.

    “Hello? Don't you see me here?” Min asked, waving a hand while rolling her eyes. She was becoming sick and tired of Luna’s attitude towards her.

    “What do you want Min?” Luna asked.

    “I’m trying to be here for you but you keep ignoring me,” Min hissed.

    “Do me a favor and mind your business,” Luna said then left the room to take a shower.

Luna showered and left the room still without a word to Min. Min went in after her and took a shower, she was becoming even more depressed. There were more tears in the shower than running water, she sat under the shower, with her head buried between her knees. She only got up when she heard a knock on the room door.

    “Who is it?” Min asked, hoarsely washing her face.

“It’s Keyra Masterson, I’m looking for Min,” she answered entering the dorm.

“I’ll be there,” Min replied, wrapping the towel around her. Her eyes were swollen, due to her prolonged crying.

“Yes,” Min said, entering the room. You’re looking for me.

“You’re Min, you’re supposedly helping me study BBA.

“Oh yes, let me get dressed and I'll be back to you in less than six minutes.

The light coming through the window reflected in her jet black hair as she rubbed lotion down her brownish golden leg. Keyra watched her  without blinking.

“Who are you and what are you doing sitting near my damn bed,” Luna asked entering the room.

She looked at Min who was frightened by her outburst.

“So this is what you’ve been doing while i’m not here, entertaining other girls,” Luna shouted.

Min walked past her only acknowledging Keyra to sit on her bed.

“I’m going to get my purse in the bathroom if you want you can wait on me outside,” Min said to Keyra.

“At least you have some sense,” Luna said.

“Guess I need to lend you some,” Min replied.

“It’s my personal matter, it has nothing to do with you, but having another girl in our room, that’s wrong, I'm done with you,” Luna shouted.

“Better now than later, you know I’m your girlfriend, sorry i was your girlfriend, but you know i’m tired of you using me, I was trying for the past week to comfort you and be here for you but you shut me out and treated me exactly like how Alice treated you, but guess what Karma's a bitch. You’re beautiful Luna but you’re ways stink and not because they teased you being a redhead. I’m done with you as well Luna and your bullshit , you used me just like how Alice used you and don’t worry someone out there will be waiting to repay you,” Min said starting to cry.

“You’re cheating on me,” Luna stated, pointing at Keyra.

“Excuse you,” Keyra butting in, I'm not messing around with your girlfriend. I might be into girls but I’ve never laid eyes on her until a couple minutes ago when I came in for my study session when she told me to wait, so get your statement straight girlfriend before you start accusing me.

“Me, cheating, why don’t you ask Rose that question, I saw you flirting and all over her the other night, and that wasn’t even the first girl I saw you with,” Min said walking towards the bathroom to get her purse.

“What the fuck is your problem,” Min asked getting upset when she saw Luna going through her phone when she returned from the bathroom.

“Searching for the evidence that you’re a cheat and liar,” Luna said.

“Just stop, Luna FUCKING STOP!, you’re delusional and you have no remorse. I’m sorry the day I said yes to being your girlfriend,” Min replied.

“Accusing her without proof what an idiot,” Keyra said standing outside the door.
    Luna went and slammed the door in her face.

“How disrespectful of you,” Min said re-opening the door.

“I’m sorry, I just thought you were cheating,” Luna said.

“Without proof and went and did exactly what you were accusing me of, No thanks.” Min said.

    Min phone rang

“You should listen to those words of the song of my ringtone, that’s my last words to you, just the first verse and and two lines of the second the bonus is the chorus,” Min saud playing the song for her to listen.

                SONG STARTED PLAYING 

Lost in a world that rattles my brain, I'm cleaning up my life from the mess you made

Oh, oh Woah, oh oh oh.

My soul's in debt but my bills are paid, I'd give anything just to make an escape

Oh, oh Woah, oh oh oh.

So you can keep knockin, knockin, knockin

Baby you're knockin but there ain't no way i'm ever letting you in

Not again

So keep on knockin, knocking, knocking

But baby you're better off walking cause i ain't gonna let you in

Never again, No, not again

So, so long honey. There's no debate We lived in a dream and faced a fate

“Fuck you, Rose is better than you,” Luna hissed.

“I don’t care, I lose to win and I'm glad I did, I'm changing rooms so you can invite Rose over instead of using the janitor’s office” Min said. Why the surprise face? You though i didn’t know, I feel so sorry for you, Min chuckled and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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