"Michelle!? You're lying to Aunt Viv and sneaking out to see a boy?"

"I mean if you put it that way. But no," she laughed, " Why are you acting like mom? No, I just hang out with him. He's nice and all."

"Okay, I just wanted to know."

"You know, I miss you a ton," Michelle sincerely admitted.

"Who forced you to say that?"

"Oh, shut up. I mean it."

"Then I miss you too."

They both continued to tell each other everything until forty-five minutes passed by, both not realizing how long it has been, just for the intention to call to say 'hello'.

"Michelle, would you look at the time. Oh my, look, I'm gonna leave this conversation for another day, okay? Hope you come by, or I go by to visit each other."

"Yeah. Bye Arrietty."


Arrietty hung up the phone, stretched out her arms, and yawned. She looked at the living room couch and walked over to it. A comfy soft couch wasn't meant to be abandoned, so she let her body fall on the cushion and took in a big sigh. Right there, all she wanted to do was sleep all day and night until the next morning. She looked at the ceiling and thoughts filled her mind. Either good or bad.

She felt her eyes close slowly right when she heard the doorbell ring. She tried ignoring it as she got the cushion and covered it on her head. She heard another ring, 'Maybe this is important' she thought.

"Come on Arrietty! I'm not getting any younger."

'Yeah, never mind'

She unwillingly stood up from the couch and lurched to the door. She opened the door, and raised one eyebrow, "Yes?"

"Aren't you always glad to see me?" Belle asked. At the instant, quickly entered the house, passing by Arrietty with no context.

"Make yourself at home, I guess." Well, now she felt better knowing someone came over, but maybe right now was not the best time. Exhaustion can withdraw your fuel.

Arrietty closed and locked the door and turned around to look at Belle, but she wasn't there, "Belle! Ugh, where are you?" She passed down to the living room to check if she was there and nothing. Then she walked to the kitchen right where Belle was grabbing herself a glass cup from the cabinet.

"Wh-what are you-"

"Arrietty, I'm thirsty. Do you happen to have wine? Maybe a bit of vodka?" She asked as she was searching for something in the pantry.

She neared the table and pulled out the chair to sit on, "Um, no, I don't. I haven't drunken in a while now."

"Well, you are again."


Belle gave up looking for liquor and placed the glass cup on the countertop just got some water from the glass pitcher in the refrigerator.

While she was pouring the water into her glass she continued, "We are gonna get real plastered soon. I have some news for you, Queen is going to be playing at Royal Acer. You know, since my uncle works there, I asked him if he could put both of us on the list so we can go. And he said it was fine. I figured since you got to meet and flirt with the defiant singer, maybe we both should go and see them perform, it's gonna be on the next two weeks on Saturday. So we are going." Belle then chugged down the rest of the water and got some more.

"Ah, maybe, if I'm not too busy. I don't like going out to mu-"

"Arrietty, come on, live a little. Don't always hide in that little shell of yours, you need a bit of fun. Now don't bore me with your excuses and accept. Right? We are going. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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