
Coney island - Remus towards Sirius while he was in Azkaban, unknowing of his  innocence.

"If i can't relate to you anymore then who am i related to?"

Sirius was the person closest to Remus, when remus thought he was the traitor, it was hard to grapple.

"Disappointments, close your eyes and it gets colder and colder, when the sun goes down."

I see this as the time period where Remus was heavily drinking.

"Wondering where did my baby go"

Where did the Sirius that Remus used to know go, and who was this new evil man who would betray James and Lily.


Ivy - Sirius' feelings about remus at the start of their relationship (5th, 6th, 7th year) -

"So yeah, it's a war, It's the goddamn fight of my life, and you started it"

At this time Sirius was really grappling with himself, he was confused about his feelings, i'm figuring it's a war with himself. And Remus did kiss him first :)

"Oh, I can't, stop you putting roots in my dreamland"

Sirius can stop dreaming about what a future with Remus would look like.

"I'd live and die for moments that we stole"

Relates to them having to sneak around and be secretive.

"What would he do if he found us out?"

I see this as 'he' being James. Not that Sirius thinks he would be negative about it, but he was worried about how it would affect their, or the whole groups dynamic.

"Crescent moon, coast is clear"

Love the moon lyric ahahah.


Cowboy like me - Grant and Remus

"Never wanted love, just a fancy car, now I'm waiting by the phone"

This line relates specifically to Remus not being interested in girls or 'the great snogging race' and thinking that he would never experience the same sort of thing as others. But after he meets Grant he really IS waiting by the phone in hogsmeade to hear from him.

"Takes one to know one"

I sort of envision this as takes one gay man to know another.

"And the skeletons in both our closets, plotted hard to fuck this up"

I think this could symbolize how Remus could never fully be Grants because of his love for Sirius. It also relates to both of their struggles with alcohol.


Long story short - Remus reflecting on everything, especially his troubles with alcohol and the dark place he was in after James and Lily's death. And how Grant helped pull him out of it, and how he ended up, of course, with Sirius.

"I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me"

The marauders just deserved happiness, and they got this shit show, it's so unfair.

"And I fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole, long story short, it was a bad time"

The whole period where Remus didn't know the truth was so difficult to read.

"But if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready"

Them rejoining the Order and helping out Harry to avenge J and L's death :)

"and my waves meet your shore, ever and evermore"

This one relates to Sirius' perspective in Evermore when they are finally together again.


Marjorie - Sirius remembering James -

"You're alive, you're alive, in my head"

The death and peter's betrayal all happened so quickly. I can see Sirius in Azkaban struggling with the grief and not believing it truly happened.

"Long limbs and frozen swims, You'd always go past where our feet could touch"

James was always so arrogant and ambitious, the two of them were such showoffs.

"Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me"

None of them got to say goodbye truly. And even Harry was taken from Sirius because no one knew the truth.

"I know better, but I still feel you all around"

I see this as Sirius looking at Harry and feeling James' presence.


Closure - Lily after Snape calls her mudblood and she is unable to forgive him -

"Yes, I got your letter, Yes, I'm doing better"

Yes, she got his apology.

"It cut deep to know ya right to the bone"

It obviously was extremely painful to have Severus, her best friend betray her in this way.

It wasn't right, the way it all went down, looks like you know that now"

Snape obviously regretted saying what he said the second he did but he can't take it back.


Evermore - Sirius in azkaban, thinking of Remus -

"Motion capture, put me in a bad light"

After Peter betrays them and blames Sirius the whole situation is looked at incorrectly. Sirius is blamed for something he never did.

"In the cracks of light, I dreamed of you. It was real enough, to get me through"

Sirius talked to Remus about how every day in Azkaban he would think about Remus to help keep him sane.

"And I was catching my breath, staring out an open window catching my death"

He was surrounded by dementors and death eaters, I'm sure he had moments where he thought he would never make it out, and never get revenge or get to tell the truth.

"I rewind the tape but all it does is pause, on the very moment all was lost"

Him thinking about James and Lily's death. He probably kept thinking back to the moment he suggested to change the secret keeper to Peter, and how much regret he feels. I'm also sure he was thinking about how wrong he was believing Remus was the traitor.

"This pain wouldn't be for, evermore"

I imagine the start of this song, when the verses end with 'that this pain would be for, evermore' is when Siirus was still in Azkaban and that when the words change to 'wouldn't be for, evermore' it's once he is free, innocent and happy with Remus.


--Thank you so much for reading

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