The Polar Bear

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The next morning, everyone was questioning what was in the forest, but it was clear that they weren't going to be able to figure it out without investigating. She had heard that Jack was collecting people to go search for the cockpit to get a transceiver and offered to tag along.

"No. No way" Jack shook his head.

"Oh c'mon, why not?" She whined.

"You have an injured leg, we need you here to look after the injured're too young" Jack retorted.

"There it is" She rolled her eyes, knowing that was the real reason.

"It's dangerous...whatever was in the forest last night might still be there" A woman with brown hair and freckles pointed out.

"All the more reason for me to come. Safety in numbers" Kali insisted.

"It's non-negotiable" Jack told her, as Kali sighed.

"Hey, maybe when your leg is better?" The woman from before smiled at her.

"You think we're going to be here that long?" Kali frowned.

"I hope not" The woman mumbled, but Kali could tell it wasn't quite true.

"What's your name?" Kali asked.

"Kate...your Kali, right? The nurse?" Kate inquired.

"Student nurse. Emphasis on the student" Kali replied.

"Um, if the guy in the suit wakes up...just...never mind" Kate shook her head, before walking away.

Kali looked over at the man in question, who had a piece of shrapnel jammed into his stomach and frowned. She wondered why Kate seemed to care about him? A vague memory of seeing them sitting together on the plane hit her. Maybe they were friends, she thought to herself.

Later that day, Kali was staring out into the ocean, wondering why no rescue team had shown up yet. She had noticed that there had been no planes, no boats, no sign of life had passed by them. It was strange. Her attention was grabbed when she saw Hurley running towards something, as she called after him.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked.

"Your friend and Sayid are fighting" Hurley panted.

"My friend?" Kali frowned, as she realised who he meant.

"Stop it! Stop it!" She shouted, when she saw the pair brawling on the sand.

Neither of them gave her a second glance, as she groaned and went to take a step forward.

"Don't get in the middle of this, kid" Walt's dad, that she now knew as Michael warned her.

"Thanks, but I can handle myself" She retorted, to his condescending tone.

"Cut it out!" She yelled, as she picked up a large wad of sand and threw it into the men's faces.

"Jesus, what the hell?" Sawyer groaned, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Why did you do that?" The other man, who she guessed was Sayid exclaimed.

"To try and knock some sense into you idiots" Kali remarked.

"I'm sick of this redneck!" Sayid shouted, about to leap back onto Sawyer.

"Hey! Don't even try it!" Kali told him, as he got up into her personal space.

"What the hell is going on?!" A voice suddenly yelled.

They all turned to see Jack standing there, the others from his group all looking dishevelled.

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